Before you whine about the language in this, understand that the - TopicsExpress


Before you whine about the language in this, understand that the entire point of the use of language is to make you THINK critically about gender stereotypes. They are dressed in typically girly ways but they are acting loud, outspoken, and assertive. This is supposed to show you that just because they are little girls doesnt mean they have to act nice and princessy. Female and little does not have equal nice and well behaved. And even though this organization kind of sucks (its essentially a for-profit t shirt business), Im glad they can come up with creative, thoughtful ads like this and the one they did about Ferguson earlier. If you watch this and are more upset about their language than the content theyre talking about, YOU are probably part of the problem.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 05:53:01 +0000

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