...Before your head hits the pillow... Digesting the book of - TopicsExpress


...Before your head hits the pillow... Digesting the book of Jeremiah – what does this book have to say to those of us in 2013? I decided that it would be good for us to do some Bible reading. I chose the book of Jeremiah because the message of Jeremiah has similarities to what we are going through today. It is my intention to go through one chapter each night, to talk about its content and to challenge you to read each chapter yourself and consider making comments and observations of your own. Jeremiah was not a wealthy man, nor was he well liked. He was a servant of God. He went through many hardships in his life, but he was loved by his Lord for his obedience. At one point he was thrown into prison and then at another time into a cistern. He was rejected by his neighbors, friends, and family. Jeremiah stood by himself, undergirded by his God. Did he get discouraged, yes he did, but he kept pressing on. Jeremiah prophesied under the rule of 5 kings and none of them much liked him. They did not like his message of repentance or pending doom, but that didn’t stop him from fulfilling God’s will in his life. We can all learn a lot from Jeremiah about how to persevere! Jeremiah 1 tells us about the calling of young Jeremiah into God’s ministry. God said to Jeremiah in verse 5 – “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world.” I believe that God knows all of us before we were in our mother’s womb and He has plans for each of us. The big question is – will we heed His call for our life? Will we seek out His will for our lives or will we go about doing those things that are comfortable or non-confrontational? Jeremiah didn’t really like his calling. He told God that he couldn’t speak for Him, that he was too young. God didn’t accept that. He told Jeremiah that He would be with him and that he should not be afraid. Then God touched Jeremiah’s mouth and said, “See, I have put my words in your mouth! Today I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms. You are to build others up and plant for them.” Can you imagine what this young man must have felt like. I would guess that his first inclination was to run, but that is not what he did. He followed obediently. We all have excuses for not witnessing for God, not realizing that He will give us the words to speak. Next God told Jeremiah what was about to happen to the people of Judah. God foretold their demise from the north, and that the people of Judah would be judged for their wickedness and their idol worship. Then God again told Jeremiah that He would protect him. He reassured Him that no one would be able to stand against him. God ends the first chapter with these words, “I am with you, and I will take care of you. I, the Lord, have spoken. Although Jeremiah was an appointed prophet of the Lord, do you believe that our God would protect you any less? I believe that we are all under the protection of the Mighty God. This does not mean that we will be free from pain and suffering. Jeremiah was not to go through his life unscathed, but in every tribulation the Lord was with him. God has a task for each of us and will until the day He calls us home. If we still reside in this world, we must know that He still has things for us to do. It is our task to determine His will and then to trust that, just as God protected Jeremiah, he will protect us. That is His promise. So don’t think that your speech is deficient, that you are too young or too old, God is with you, giving you His words. Follow Him and follow Him joyfully! Tomorrow we will read and discuss Jeremiah 2. We will learn why the Lord was condemning Judah and what they did to incur the full wrath of God. Take some time to read Jeremiah 1 tonight. Let God speak to you through the words of this inspired writing. Our God is all powerful, ever present, and loving. He wants us as witnesses and He promises His guidance and protection. Life is exciting!!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 02:30:00 +0000

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