Begin rant. Ive always been a little bit country, where we - TopicsExpress


Begin rant. Ive always been a little bit country, where we pretty much keep our noses out of other peoples business. That is, unless someone is getting hurt. Today, while at one of those food cart villages, I saw a couple of real assholes harassing a teeny gay dude, just because he was gay. They were mocking his clothes (which, did have more cuff in the pants than I would have chosen, but were still pretty cool), his hair (that had that Elvis flair thing that I was always to chicken to try and rock) and the way he talked (and it was kind of Vienna boys choir high, but still). Then, one of them shoved the guy and dared him to do something about it. The gay guy was obviously afraid, and was just about to leave without getting his food. I had seen this from the street and noticed that not ONE, of the twenty or so people standing there, had said or done anything (including the cashier). I decided it was bullshit. I called shenanigans....In a, get behind them and keep on jibber jabbering until they snap sort of way (that I happen to have a real talent for). I probably/maybe shouldnt have. I could have tried to talk it out, but didnt, because I believe bullies only understand bullying. I made sure the guy got his food, then got some great exercise, and have the added benefit of feeling really good about standing up against a couple of real jerks. Listen, Im not here advocating lifestyles, or one approach to bullying over another. Im just saying, stand up and say, or do, SOMETHING when you see this type of thing ANYONE. Its a really small world we live on, and we have to live on it together. Assholes makes that impossible. So, if you see someone being an asshole, please encourage them to stop, the rest of us are trying to have a good day. End rant.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 20:16:49 +0000

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