Beginning next January employers must begin paying taxes on the - TopicsExpress


Beginning next January employers must begin paying taxes on the payrolls out of which your wages are to come. This is the largest tax bill in history. And to call it “healthcare reform is a fraud on the workingman. These taxes start at the rate of $2 in taxes for every $100 of wages. They increase until it is $6 in taxes for every $100 in wages. We are told that this $6 will be equally divided between the employer and the employe [sic]. But this is not so, and for a very simple reason. The actual fact will be, in almost every case, that the whole tax will be borne either by the employe [sic] or by the consumer through higher prices. That is the history of all such taxes. This is because the tax is imposed in such a way that, if the employer is to stay in business, he must shift the tax to some one else. Do not forget this: such an excessive tax on payrolls is beyond question a tax on employment. In prosperous times it slows down the advance of wages and holds back re-employment. In bad times it increases unemployment, and unemployment breaks wage scales. The Republican party rejects any feature of any plan that hinders re-employment… …One more sample of the injustice of this law is this: Some workers who come under this new Federal insurance plan are taxed more and get less than workers who come under the State laws already in force. Typical argument against Obamacare? No, with the elimination of a three word clause and the substitution of healthcare reform, this is simply a quote from Alf Landon in a 1936 speech against Social Security. Now you may hate Social Security as much as you hate Obamacare, but its a fact that Social Security has been the crown jewel of 20th century legislation, protecting the dignity and the very lives of the poor and the elderly with NO impact on the debt or the deficit. It would still be radically successful today had not the government borrowed from the Social Security Trust Fund more than 2.7 TRILLION dollars through 2011. Yes thats correct, 1/5 of our national debt is money owed to the Social Security system. Money that Americans paid out of heir pockets. Paying down the debt by reducing social security payments to people who have worked all their lives counting on fair treatment and fair accounting for their contributions, is as Unamerican as it can be. And the attacks on Obamacare are based in the same selfishness that raged against Social Security 75 years ago.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 17:40:10 +0000

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