Beginning to Practice Falun Dafa in Prison September 25, 2013 | - TopicsExpress


Beginning to Practice Falun Dafa in Prison September 25, 2013 | By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Yantai, Shandong Province ( I used to work in the Family Planning Commission, a state agency in China responsible for implementing the One Child Policy. I didnt realize that Id been assisting the Chinese Communist Partys (CCP) criminal activities until I started practicing Falun Dafa. Before practicing Dafa, I helped my daughter run a store following my retirement; however, I was arrested on false charges and thrown into prison. The government confiscated everything in our store, froze my bank account, put my house up for auction, and harassed one of my family members. I lost everything -- even my will to live. I refused to eat or sleep in prison, waiting for this injustice to be rectified, but no progress was made on my case. I was desperate. Falun Dafa Cleared Up My Confusion During my imprisonment, Falun Dafa practitioners in the same cell studied the Fa daily. The words they read and recited touched my heart. They were so caring to those having difficulty and always put others needs before their own. I witnessed the holiness and beauty of Falun Dafa through these selfless practitioners. They were brutally beaten, abused, exposed to extreme temperatures, force-fed, handcuffed, shackled and tortured in various ways, yet never wavered from their beliefs. They could have been released if theyd only promised not to practice Falun Gong. I asked them why they didnt. They explained that their lives were saved by Falun Dafa, and would never say anything against Dafa or Master. I was deeply touched by their steadfastness. My conscience was revived by their spirit. I listened to Masters lectures and read Falun Dafa books with them. I began to understand the truth about life. I stopped feeling bitter for being wronged and stopped hating those who put me in this situation, because I finally understood why I came to this world and suffered these hardships. Falun Dafa taught me the significance of life. With gratitude to Master, I studied, recited and copied Zhuan Falun and other lectures again and again. I copied poems from Hong Yin and gave them to the inmates who were about to be released. I told them to never get involved in the persecution of Falun Gong, to be good persons and learn Falun Gong when they regained their freedom. Before my release, jailers asked me if I planned to appeal. I said “no”, because even though the year in prison was the worst time of my life, I obtained the most precious thing in the universe: Falun Dafa. I would have lost my life without Masters teaching and practitioners compassion. Even though my family worried that Id have a mental breakdown, I was actually more energized and my physical condition had improved. While others talked about how much Id suffered in prison, I said that it was worth it, because Id started practicing Falun Dafa. Miracles of Falun Dafa My husband witnessed the disappearance of my multiple health problems, including stomach pain, headaches, heart disease, sinus problems and more after I started practicing Falun Gong. He then joined me in cultivation practice. The ulcers in his mouth and the eye cornea inflammation which had bothered him for 40 years were gone. He is now 83, but is often mistaken for being in his 60s. His doctor said that his heart is as strong as someone in his 40s. My husbands small finger was smashed by a bus door and turned black, but he said that it didnt hurt. He simply felt warmth in the finger. The finger looked normal again soon after the accident. On a snowy winter day, we went out to tell people the facts about Falun Dafa. He slipped and fell on his back with a loud thump. I was scared, but he said, “No worries. Master is right next to me.” He had a big bruise on the back of his head. Our families were worried about him and called every day. He said, “Dont worry. My head feels clearer than before.” Our whole family witnessed the power of Falun Dafa displayed on an 83-year-old. I had a similar experience in 2011. I was struck by a van on a snow-covered road. I wasnt hurt, but felt a little dizzy and nauseous. I told the driver, “Im fine. Dont worry. Im a Falun Gong practitioner and protected by divine beings. You can leave.” The driver looked relieved and left quickly. My dizziness and nausea disappeared twenty minutes later, as if nothing had happened. Every time we experienced a tribulation, we looked inward to see if we had done anything wrong or failed to meet the requirements of Dafa. We corrected ourselves as soon as we found anything wrong. One time, we wanted to buy a package of socks but didnt have enough cash on us. The vendor said that it was OK, and let us take the socks. After we returned home, we thought about how the vendor worked hard to make very little money. How can practitioners let others suffer a loss? I made a special trip the next day to take the money owed to him. He said in surprise, “I have never seen anyone who would send money after the deal.” I said, “Falun Dafa taught me to follow Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. We dont take advantage of others.” I then explained the facts about Falun Gong to him and other nearby vendors. They all chose to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. One time, a department store cashier mistakenly gave us a 100 yuan bill when she was supposed to return a 50. We pointed it out right away. Such things happened many times; whenever we chose to do the right thing and corrected our faults, we felt happy and relieved! Spreading the Truth about Falun Dafa We spread the true story of Falun Dafa to our families and friends. Two are government employees, and theyve all quit the CCP. My father-in-law was in his 90s six years ago and fell ill, and had to rely on others to take care of him. My husband and I told him to recite, “Falun Dafa is great! Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are great!” He then made continuous improvement, and my sister-in-law told us that he is now in good health. Many people know about the CCPs wickedness, but are afraid of saying anything. I always tell them about the benefits of Falun Dafa and the CCPs crimes of torture and organ harvesting against practitioners. A friend of ours and his wife are nice people and members of the CCP. My husband and I explained the facts about Falun Dafa and shared truth-clarification materials with them. They read the book Zhuan Falun and quit the CCP, but then returned the book, saying that they couldnt understand it. Two years later, the friend was diagnosed with lung cancer. He was in tears when we went to visit him in the hospital. He said, “If I had listened to you and practiced Falun Dafa, I wouldnt have gotten cancer. Look, both of you are more than ten years older than me, but youre very healthy.” We felt so sad after hearing his words and regretted not having helped him more. I would like to tell everyone that if youve heard the true story of Falun Gong, then you must have a predestined relationship with Dafa. You have to listen carefully, think with clear minds, and choose a bright future for yourselves. Category: Beginning Cultivation
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 11:42:51 +0000

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