Behind Thee American Iron Curtin A Story About A Once Free - TopicsExpress


Behind Thee American Iron Curtin A Story About A Once Free Nation By RW Gless Introduction: Socialism and Fascist Gestapoism had befallen America in the early 2000s in ways that paled Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. The Social Engineers had finally perfected their mind control over the majority, and those who saw through the illusion of freedom, were rounded up and labeled terrorists or publicly denounced as anti-American. Anyone quoting the Constitution had become a threat to the government. People like Dr. Ron Paul and his supporters were targeted by FBI and other Government Agencies because of their message of freedom, returning America back into a Free Nation, and demanding the government honor the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The new social fascist government had finally stripped American citizens of the Right’s given them under the Constitution’s Bill of Rights. With the stroke of a pen the new Socialist President had taken away the Rights of the people and now the government could arrest and detain any American indefinitely without charging them of a crime or allowing them a trial. That dark day was December 31, 2011, when Socialist President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA, that later was ratified in 2013 when it passed the Senate with a 98-0 vote. That authorization allowed the government the ability to detain citizens indefinitely or kill American Citizens without a trial, eliminating habeas corpus for the American people granted them under the 8 Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Freedom from government oppression had finally come to an end, and most of the people were oblivious to the horrors that were ahead of them. *** Chapter One Slowly The Screws Turned Freedom had been under attack for a long time before the 2013 culling of freedom. Social Engineers had been conditioning the American people’s minds for years, dumbing them down to suggestions that government was the answer to all their problems. Stipulations and Regulations were placed on all Rights granted them under the Constitution of the United States. None of the Rights in the Bill of Rights were in tacked and hadn’t been since the great American Civil War. America had slowly become a prison, and for those who saw through the illusion of freedom and tried to inform the people of the truth, it would become a nightmare. Corporations had total control over the media, the press and the people’s government. Insurance corporations ruled the day and the people, passing laws that forced Americans to buy health insurance, and punishing anyone who resisted with fines, imprisonment and death if they refused to obey. They would literally kill you if you refused to get health insurance, making the once free people of America the subjects and the property of the Government. Like livestock on a gigantic ranch, the majority of the people whinnied and bayed in apathetic complacency like the sheep they once herded, stripped of their will to be free. Oh, there were many who spoke out against this tyranny. They knew that allowing the government to force people to buy anything was a direct violation of the Constitution… and they were right. But the US Supreme Court had been infiltrated, poisoned and corrupted by the corporate government and ruled that the government now had the power to command the people obey and buy insurance. Resistance was futile, they were to be assimilated, like taking a page out of George Orwell’s 1984 novel, the people had become the property of the State over night. For years the government had been disarming the public so they could not resist the enslavement that was coming. Police were turned into military killing machines, killing anyone who refused to obey the government’s law. They killed citizens without question if their government master ordered it, destroying anyone who witnessed it or spoke out against their murderous Gestapo tyranny. America had become a prison camp to many who could not afford the tens of thousands of dollars a person needed to flee to a free country. Citizen’s hatred of the country they once loved was growing every time they would be subjected to the tyranny of the new American Gestapo. The corporate government controlled media would quickly create propaganda to convince the complacent masses that the new American military police were heroes. Even when they were caught in video recordings kicking in the doors of innocent men, women, children and killing the family pet and anyone who moved to protect their family members including children. But, not everyone believed the corporate government controlled media’s lies. More and more people were waking up to see the nightmare they helped to create by their silence. So the Government Police started to seize the people and their recorders, destroying the evidence that clearly showed the treasonous tyrannical crimes the police perpetrated against the people. Then they would lie and tell the masses it never happened, and sadly, many of the American Sheeple would believe without question. Corporations had become too big to fail because they had become a pyramid scheme backed up by the governments they controlled. The people were the real corporate assets, and were treated like cash-cows, told what to think, what to eat, what to wear, where to live, and how to live. The Corporations owned the world and the people in it. The only thing stopping them from totally enslaving the masses, were those with the freedom of the human spirit. Those people who knew things were very wrong in the once free country called America were a real threat. The corporations had to work hard to control any resistance caused by those free spirits with constant corporate media messaging telling the people to obey. If the people woke up and realized their financial system was just an illusion to control, the government and the corporations which controlled them would collapse. If the corporate controlled government collapsed the people would once again have their freedom back, and those in control would fight to make sure that never happened. Laws were being passed at an all time high, and the citizens had no say in the making of those laws. Most of the people were oblivious to the slow but steady tightening of the chains of bondage. The corporate social engineers knew it was easier to control the minds of people if they were in a large herd. So they started corralling them in cities where they could be conditioned to think and act like the masses living along side of them, without ever really knowing any of their neighbors. Unlike those people who lived in small communities who know their neighbors for miles around, in the city people don’t know the people who live next door. People in small towns would banned together to protect one and other from thieves and thugs. People in the city only looked out for themselves and hardly ever looked out for anyone else. The corporate government knew a divided people were much easier to control than a united people, so Agenda 21 was implicated to herd people into cities where they would be disarmed and reduced to living in a small space. Their own personal space or cage, free but not really free, because cities have rules and regulation you have to follow. Living in the country you can let your dog run free and watch your horses run free. You can own cattle and milk your cows, own chickens and pigs, and grow your own vegetables and fruit, you can if you want to, and know how to, produce your own power, living off the grid, and you can own guns and make your own gun powder. You can live free from chemicals in your food and water and live as free men and women were expected to live. But the corporate government hated independence and needed all humans working to support the government in corporate jobs that paid a wage they could control and tax. Only then would the corporate government know how much money the people made, and only then would they be able to force them to pay for living. In Cities they were not allowed to own livestock or grow their food. They had to buy everything to survive and that made the corporate government rich. So the corporate government started passing laws, regulation and taxes making it hard for people to live in the country. The counties, states and federal governments passed restrictive laws and charged excessive fees and taxes on those who wanted to live away from the masses. The government charged outrageous taxes for fire protection and policing protection that was non-existent. Only if the local town’s people put together a volunteer fire department or petitioned their state or county to allow the people to elect one of their own as local sheriff or patrolmen, would they get the protection they were forced by law to pay for. Living in America had become like living under the thumb of the government masters of old in the former Soviet Union, only if the master government gave you permission could you do what you asked with your own land and property. The people now worked for the government and those in power held an iron hold on every aspect of human life. They controlled just about everything, even the majority of all life’s blood, Water! They could never totally control all the water because of rain and natural streams and rivers, but they were trying, and had a hold on man made lakes and reservoirs and charged man for the water they controlled. The government was even passing laws to control the ground water and the wells that people owned. Once the people allowed the corporate government control over all water, all freedom would be controlled and there would be no freedom at all. America’s enslavement would be total and final! There were still free places to go in the early 2000s, but the American government made it very hard to escape America. If you attempt to leave America and take your money with you, beware, because the Government frowns on their property (YOU) trying to escape! Illegal Immigration from Americans fleeing the country had already overwhelmed Canadian Authorities. Americans were going to Canada because it was easier to take their money there, and leave from there to other freer destinations. The Federal Government was working on passing laws that would forbid any American Citizen from fleeing the country if they owed taxes, fines, student loans or had any American debt at all. Passports will be revoked, and if caught trying to escape America, you will be arrested and convicted then sent to a detention center forced to work off your debt to the corporate government. If you are lucky enough to be able to escape from behind the American Iron Curtin, countries like Croatia, Kazakhstan, Bhutan, Dubai, Western Sahara, Brazil, are safe havens. Many countries in South America are also freer than America and could be a safe place but you need to check out their laws and if they cooperate with American demands. Brazil is one of those Country the American Corporate Government does not want the American people to know about because Brazilians cannot be extrodited to any country period, it is in their Constitution, and you can become a Brazilian Citizen in as little as 12 months. Brazil also does not allow America’s rogue agencies like the IRS to sieze the assets of Americans, or former Americans, who move there to escape the American tyranny. Sadly the American media propaganda machine keeps most Americans oblvious to countries like Brazil, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Bhutan, Dubai, Western Sahara, that have no extration treaty with America and are freer than America is in many ways. Which makes them countries to consider if you want to flee America’s tyranical control over you. Most Americans think they have protection from their abusive government because of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, but they have no protection at all. Police and Judges have no use for the Constitution or the Bill of Rights and rutinely tell anyone who invokes those documents, that they are out of order and if they mention their Rights again they will be held in contempt of court or arrested for P.O.P. pissing off police! The majority of the people cower in fear and allow themselves to be abused. Literally soiling their pants when police grab them and tell them they are under arrest for some bogus charge, just because they stood their ground and asked what authority those Gestapo had to threaten and arrest them. After their arrest they cower in jail and are threaten with long prison time if they don’t cop a plea to a crime they never committed. But this isn’t the most outrageous of the crimes the government commits against the people, not by a long shot. The Courts will demand the jury convict you if you dare take it to court, and the public. The Judge will come down hard on anyone who dares show the people that the government was creating crimes to convict you because you questioned their authority! This really happened in a little known case in a little known town in northern California in the county of Yuba, where two young men (Brothers) were arrested and convicted for protesting taxes. Video was live-streamed to YouTube and shows the two young men were merely holding a sign on an overpass in Yuba County that said; “Taxes=Theft” when swarms of Sheriff and California CHP/Gestapos surounded and interigated them. They had several Gestapo searching for a reason to arrest these two and finially came up with a law that had nothing to do with protesting that later was dropped. But the publicity the YouTube video created had the two men on radio talk shows after that video went viral. No one anywhere thought a jury could convict these two, but the district attornies searched and searched for some way to convict them and create a legal precedence allowing them to arrest any protesters, and they found it. Detaining an Officer in the performance of their duties. Yep, they charged and convicted the two young men because the Sheriff and CHP had to confront and harrass the two protesters. The Video speaks volumes and can be seen at and on YouTube at: youtube/watch?v=sG0rAkTJDmQ&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PLE2114D1A87F51B0F) This clearly shows you have no Rights in America anymore and you can and will be arrested for P.O.P. if you piss off police. The Jury was not allowed to view the entire video and was basically told they had to convict these young men, and they did. At their sentancing their father who is a Major in the USAF read a speech questioning what he was fighting for in America and stating his sons were doing more for freedom than he had in his whole time with the military. It was a speech reminisant to Patrick Henery’s Give me liberty or Death and after he was done reading it, I applauded and was promply thrown out of the Courtroom for my out burst of public courtroom disobedience. No longer can anyone in a courtroom move, speakout, talk, motion, nod, applaud or even wipe a runny nose without getting thrown out. Justice in America has become a joke complete with little tin-gods that rule as if they are your only God. No more order in the court spouted by the judge, just the 4 or 5 bailiffs running over and forcefully removing the people who protest so they can’t see what other abuses the Judge will commit. The words “Blind Justice” now take on a whole new meaning in America.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 20:02:49 +0000

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