Behold. The newest fad fitness craze based on pseudoscience and a - TopicsExpress


Behold. The newest fad fitness craze based on pseudoscience and a misinterpretation of physiology in order to sell you a product. Look, its not like I have anything against tools like the Vipr. In some instances, it may be indicated. And if you are doing it in order to play and have fun, then fine. I am a big fan of what Zenkahuna calls a playout playing with movement in multiple planes of motion for enjoyment and recreation. However, a tool such as the Vipr is sub-optimal for improving almost all aspects of fitness, and it bothers me that they are making clearly false claims about muscle physiology and how the body adapts. Lets get one thing clear. It is not necessary to emulate the movement of farmers, cattle herders, or manual laborers in order to effectively exercise the body. All bodily movements are essentially just combinations of a few simple joint functions. An elbow will always just flex and extend. To train your biceps muscle you flex your elbow. Period. Also, it is not necessary to continually mix up the movements in order to create adaptation. In fact, this is the OPPOSITE of what you need in order to create adaptation. You need consistency and progression. This is simply how muscles work. Variation can be fun, but if you are interested in results, variation is your enemy. To me, this seems like a regression in the theory and application of exercise. Why turn exercise into a form of sloppy manual labour? This is not the most effective way to exercise. It may be a fun way to move for sure, and why not? Have some fun with your Vipr in your spare time. But if you are time-pressed and use exercise to improve body composition, and increase your functionality in daily life, stay away from this. You have been warned. https://youtube/watch?v=Hfgaj1kwdaI
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 12:58:38 +0000

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