Behold the Lemurian Energy Staff! Singular technology, - TopicsExpress


Behold the Lemurian Energy Staff! Singular technology, alchemically created using Psionics, Tachyon, photonic, and orgone radionic power of emission! The largest energy staff you will find. Derived from the Egyptian Was (pronounced wass). My energy charged iteration of the Japanese Bo (staff) used for martial arts/ staff spinning training. contact me to place orders. Cullensmithsvp@hotmail or PM me. In just a few minutes (after cleansing and accumulation), you will feel its heat, and most importantly you will feel a balance and high speed energy at the level of your hand, then on your Sahasrara-Crown Chakra ( for the most sensitive ones). It has the purpose to balance the body’s energy meridians to stimulate the physical body and integrate the meta physical. Its main function is to amplify healing, peace of mind and body, dreams, meditation, and manifestation. Ideal for use during Sun gazing, for clearing pathogens in food and minerals, restructuring water and cleansing and amplifying bath and cosmetics. Composed from a powerful equation of over 52 semiprecious Reiki stones and Lemurian seed quartz crystals, herkimer diamond core, metallic and organic nano-spherical powders, and powerful Neodymium magnets, all cast in Orgonite resin. It is fitted with an audio input jack to program with sound frequencies, healing music/ holographic sound/ mantras. It can also be plugged directly into the earth for grounding/earthing and to be charged with negative ions and earth frequencies for full healing. Working on measuring golden mean and harmonic ratio lengths. It contains a chakra balance module corresponding to each chakra and disposed in a sacred ratio consisting of: -Garnet-Root Chakra -Fluorite-Sacral Chakra -Citrine-Solar Plexus Chakra -Malachite-Heart Chakra -Sodalite-Throat Chakra -Lapis Lazuli- Ajna Chakra -Amethyst-Crown Chakra -Wood: -Apple - love, healing, divine feminine, flowing of four elements, mystic visions -Oak - all purpose, solar energy, divine masculine, strength, power -Chestnut - love, strength, money, healing -cedar- healing, clarity, anti viral -obsidian -coral -aventurine -amazonite -moonstone -tigers eye -jade -rose quartz -danburite -selenite -agathe -dioptase -labradorite -lepidolite -chyrophrase - Lemurian seed quartz points focus the energy into a laser like beam emitted from both ends of the staff - Lemurian seed rose quartz sand from Brazilian mines - Nano spherical Quartz sand contains as much light photons, negative ionic and peizo electric equivalent of a room of crystals as far the eye can see! -Ginseng -Guarana -Spirulina - pink Himalayan salt- all trace elements, cleansing, mineralization, purification of the aura / soul / energy body - Egyptian blue lotus resin - mystic visions/ hallucinogenic - native Texas wildflower blend - wild Texas aloe vera - desert sage blend - mystic visions - wild rosemary - chaga mushroom- longevity, antiviral, anti bacterial, anti cancerous, strength, healing -over 74 other organic freeze dried vegetable powders, micro-organisms and 4 billion probiotics. -Metallic Nano Powders - copper, zinc, activated carbon, atomized iron, brass and nano-spherical quartz sand mixed together and cast in Orgone resin. To give you an idea of how powerful it is: ZINC- stops the flow of negative energy such as electro-magnetic fields and is used for healing the self when one feels emotional wrought or is under psychic attack. In this way it deflects negative energy. Also, zinc is the metal of magical revelation. It appears innocent and ordinary in its physical state, but on the other levels zinc is an extraordinary element with powerful transformational properties. COPPER- has the ability to balance the polarities of the body. This is why copper is used to heal and prevent sickness. Copper balances the flow of energies in the meridians of the body, both receptive and projective. When a person feels ill, it is believed that the energies in the body are not in balance or are blocked, and copper is used to balance these energies and stimulate the natural healing of the body. CARBON- Although it is considered an ordinary material, it is the what the human organism is made of. It possesses the great quality of being the best catalyst between copper and zinc, an essential element for a perfect equation. BRASS- is an alloy of copper and zinc.Copper and brass blend has a germicidal effect. Depending upon the type and concentration of pathogens and the medium they are in, brass kills these microorganisms within a few minutes to eight hours of contact. Brass can bring on immense tranquility and deep meaningful thoughts, leading to a far greater insight into your problems. To activate, cleanse and charge, it Must be cleansed by leaving in the sun for 3 full days and nights, then after those 3 days it must be kept in total darkness for another 3 full days and nights. On the 7th day it can be taken out into the light again. If you wish to link it to your DNA, Place a drop of your own blood (menstrual is ideal if your a female, as menstrual blood is the most potent metaphysical and multidimensional tesseract compound in existence) or saliva in the audio jack To permanently link its properties to your Genetic matrix. Through the law of quantum non-locality you will always be linked its attributes regardless of distance or time! Only you can handle it while linked to your DNA or else it must be cleansed once again. Also through quantum non locality, all information is shared through the unified field, so all beings using the Staff raise each others frequency collectively, and share the same information, regardless of time or distance! Ive experienced shared dreaming and psychic downloads with other people on the other side of the planet! Only singular energies can travel into higher densities, so this can be taken into astral travel, lucid dreaming, remote viewing and hypnosis therapies! Ive even taken it into dreams with me during lucid dreaming! The nano spherical quartz sand increases an immensely high amount of negative ions, photonic light isotopes and peizo electricity, all of which allow DNA to expand, absorbing more light photons and begins to repair itself, healing the body and activating ESP and super psychic abilities. PHYSICS OF TACHYON Tachyon energy is usually something drawn from science fiction movies.Some, with a background in the hard sciences, may have heard the term Tachyon energy a few other times, but very few people know exactly what tachyon energy is, and even fewer know about the incredible results that can be attained through the its use in the area of alternative health-care or, as it is also known, holistic healing. It is my goal to introduce you to tachyon energy and its benefits. Tachyon Energy is a blessing, and through the incorporation of this energy into our lives, we can begin to bring about some very dramatic changes, not only in our health, but also in our whole way of being.From the holistic healing point of view, complete healing is an integration of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Living beings evolve in a continuous upward spiral of order to chaos (and/or disease). The energy spiral continues through the chaos to higher levels of order. Chaos is a stepping stone from one level of order to the next higher level. Every living being experiences this process of energy flow whether or not they are aware of it. Tachyon Energy is the key to moving through chaos and stress in our daily lives; creating new levels of order and quality of life. Tachyonized tools significantly contribute to achieving near-perfect energetic balance at all levels. The use of Tachyon not only presents a fully holistic model of healing, but a process by which all living beings can move towards radiant health and communion with All That Is. Tachyon Energy is the binding energy of the universe. It is responsible for the creation of all forms on the planet. Most importantly, Tachyon Energy is the key element in the flow of energy from the infinitely formless all the way down to the perfect form. This is the Energetic Continuum. Tachyon Energy, in itself, has stored all the information needed to create a perfect Energetic Continuum in every individual form of life. Everything that transpires in the human body, for example, already exists within Tachyon in perfect form. The Far-infrared Nanopowder / Nanoparticles is made of a variety of inorganic compound powder. it can emit 8 ~ 15μm wavelength of far infrared. The spectrum radiation rate is more than 90%. Far infrared powder is non-toxic, tasteless, non-polluting inorganic non-metallic materials. It can also absorb and transmit body needed far-infrared to improve blood circulation, lower blood acidity, promote metabolism, enhance immunity and energy-saving effect. The powders Features: Natural, odorless, non-toxic, safe performance; Cleaning air, eliminating human fatigue, and promoting human health effects; Antibacterial, sterilization (not of reproduction) and significant deodorizing functions; It can be used for fiber, weaving clothes and can inspire a steady stream of negative ions to the human body to maintain energy and also can keep to eliminate the discharge of body waste. Health Benefits of Negative Ions- The astounding degree to which negative ions can contribute to good health is becoming increasingly apparent, as extensive research on the subject suggests. Negative ions are in the air that we breathe as well as in our bodies. They neutralize free radicals, revitalize cell metabolism and enhance immune function. In addition, they purify the blood and balance the autonomic nervous system, promoting deep sleep and healthy digestion. Negative ions also protect the body and mind from the harmful effects of environmental stressors such as electromagnetic fields. webmd/balance/features/negative-ions-create-positive-vibes Activation of the bodies energy centers leads to activation of the last energetic layer and the body begins to receive energy directly from the “Source”. This incoming energy, plus the piezo-electricity generated by the crystals, magnifies the energy cocoon around the body. This “pranic cocoon”, vibrating at a frequency emitted by the hypothalamus, and hypophysis* (pituitary) through their projections located in the center of the palms, corrects the holders energy structure, giving a beneficial effect to the whole organism. There is an effect of deeper and gentler immersion into the meditative state that corresponds to the theta rhythms. A similar result can be attained by other methods, for example with the aid of binaural waves using sound fed through earphones. Due to the increased flow of energy, meridians that may be “furred up” by disorders are actively cleaned out and a healthy energy balance between the organs is restored as a result. The increased movement of chi causes a prickling sensation or numbness in the tips of the fingers, pulsation in the centre of the palms and soles. The process of clearing blockages may cause a fairly wide range of sensations, the most common of which are vibration, pressure or bursting in certain parts of the body, to the point of tolerable, rapidly passing pain, ringing in the ears, slight dizziness. As the energy balance is restored those sensations disappear. When touched by dualistic matter one will go through a rapid detox which may cause various and sometimes dramatic symptoms at first depending on the level of toxicity, however this is only the effect of harmful toxins being cleared out and flushed from the body and wont last for any extended period. I offer any desired length under 5 ft to accommodate affordability and portability. Message me for preference and to discuss time factoring, my offers are extremely cheap compared to ANY other product of similar nature! Message me to discuss time factoring and shipping cost depending on location, overseas costs almost as much as a plane ticket! : / There is nothing that is merely for a decorative purpose. It is form and fully functioning technology! You will also receive my personal hand drawn mandalas, artwork, and meditation track and mantras to program it as a bonus gift of my creation to you! A video demo of use! youtube/watch?v=Yjq9RzD_uqg&sns=em Mental Control of the Energy Fields of the Human Body- Manly P Hall youtube/watch?v=vaStCdJ-5NY&sns=em Gregg Braden- Awakening to Zero point youtube/watch?v=vQc7J7A6Tk4&sns=em Wilhelm Reichs Orgone Energy youtube/watch?v=tgYIVM_Qm8g&sns=em Bruce Liptons Biology of Belief youtube/watch?v=jjj0xVM4x1I&sns=em * Hypophysis (pituitary) PLEASE VISIT MY SITE FOR MORE!! cullensmithsvp.wix/liftingtheveil#!tachyon-energy-tools/c1f0q VIDEO DEMO!!! https://youtube/watch?v=Yjq9RzD_uqg Willow Saige, Jennifer Davidson, Sonia Bonacci
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 17:11:56 +0000

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