Being A Good Soldier Of Jesus Christ II Timothy 2:1-4 In - TopicsExpress


Being A Good Soldier Of Jesus Christ II Timothy 2:1-4 In Scripture, we find several references to the Christian as being a soldier in warfare. (Eph 6:12-13) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. {13} Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. The battle is not ours, but the Lords. We are called upon to be Gods agents on this earth to press forward with gospel claiming victory through Christ. We have been given our marching orders by the Captain of the host. Cf Mt. 28:19-20 I. Three Types Of Soldiers A. Compromisers (rationalize position rather than take a definite stand) B. Quitters (cant take heat of battle) C. The faithful (no assignment is too tough and no battles too fearful) II. The Good Soldiers Identity. A. His Uniform 1. By looking at a soldiers uniform you can determine a number of things. a. You know what branch of service they are in. b. You know their job or duty. c. You can also tell how long they have been serving. 2. In similar manner a good soldier of Christ can be identified readily. a. We are to put on Christ. (Gal 3:27) For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. b. That means that when others see us, they see Christ. (Eph 4:24) And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. c. The longer we serve Him, the more like Him we should be. B. His Orders 1. A soldiers orders determine where he lives and how he spends his time. 2. Not just a list of things to do if we have time, or if we would like to do them. 3. Orders are given to be obeyed. 4. As believers, we must understand that what the Lord commands us to do in His Word are not suggestions…they are our responsibility to perform. 5. We do it out of our love for our Lord, not for any other reason! C. His Experience 1. Look at a soldiers chest and you can read where he has been and how he has served. 2. We called it fruit salad, but it is ribbons, medals, and bars to indicate the various campaigns and awards they have participated in. 3. The more action, the more fruit salad. 4. There is another, less enjoyable, way, and that is to look for the scars from battle. 5. Our experiences in serving the Lord may bring us some reward or it may bring us some scars…but it will identify us as serving in His army doing His will. III. The Attributes of a Good Soldier A. A good soldier endures hardness 1. Paul was toughened thru hard experiences a. It was predicted of him. (Acts 9:16) For I will show him how great things he must suffer for my names sake. b. It started as soon as he was converted. (Acts 9:23-24) And after that many days were fulfilled, the Jews took counsel to kill him: {24} But their laying await was known of Saul. And they watched the gates day and night to kill him. c. He spent three lonely, arduous years on the backside of the desert. (Gal. 1:17) d. He was stoned, shipwrecked, beaten, and placed in dungeons. e. All of this he calls his light affliction (2 Cor 4:17) For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; f. He declares that he has fought a good fight. (2 Tim 4:7) I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 2. With Paul as his example, Timothy had determined to be faithful, no matter what. a. Today, we have fainters at first hint of adversity. b. Many call criticism adversity and melt under it. c. Paul would have call us raw recruits and rebuked us. During WW-II a tough sergeant caught a young private reading his N.T. in trench during lull in shelling. The sergeant hollered at him, Put that thing away, I dont want no sissies in my outfit! Shortly afterward a mortar shell londed in their trench. The young private threw self over shell and gave his life to keep the others unharmed. The sergeant then ordered N.Ts. for all of his men saying, If that book could give this kind of courage to that kid, maybe it will give it to the rest of his buddies. B. A Good Soldier Enlists Others 1. He is proud of his outfit. Ex. Company 350 2. The recruiters are not men who hate the service…they are the lifers. 3. Andrew went to recruit Peter…and Philip brought Nathaniel. 4. What are we doing for the cause of Christ? 5. Are we recruiting others? 6. Soul-winning…inviting folks…bringing others. C. A good soldier will not collaborate with the enemy. 1. The world hates the Christian. (John 15:18) If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. (1 John 3:13) Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. 2. A good soldier cannot fight the enemy during the day, and then go to a party with them by the night. 3. In preparation for the fight the trainee is taught to despise the enemy and be ready to fight them on every hand and at every opportunity. 4. Faithfulness earns the approval and commendation of our Lord. (1 Cor 4:2) Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. (Mat 25:23) His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. D. A good soldier believes in the cause. (Note our cause is not some noble principle, it is the person of Jesus Christ!) 1. Good soldiers get psyched up for the battle. 2. Many battle leaders are successful because they know how to motivate their men. (Ill. Braveheart) 3. No soldier gives their best if they are not convinced the cause is right. 4. For many that was the difference between WW-II and Viet Nam. 5. The Christian must prepare for battle daily. a. By studying our manual (the Bible) b. By prayer that brings the power of the Holy Spirit. c. By trusting Gods direction and instructions for battling the enemy. During a terrible battle, the great French general, Napoleon instructed the drummer to beat a retreat. The young man stood silent. The general gave the command a second time, and the response was the same. Finally, the general drew his sword and placed it at the throat of the young man and commanded that he sound the drum beat for retreat. Trembling the young man answered, But sir, youve never taught me to sound retreat before. With that the general thundered, Then sound forth the charge! The army motivated by the confidence of its general advanced and won the victory that day. Our Savior has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. We are challenged to go forward for the cause of Christ and be good soldiers for Him.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 09:58:05 +0000

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