Being Attacked by a Vamp? Here is some information of - TopicsExpress


Being Attacked by a Vamp? Here is some information of symptoms, and how to defend yourself from attacks. Signs Of Psychic Attack First of all, how can you tell that you are under attack? How can you discover who is attacking you, and most of all, how can you defend yourself? Not all magical attacks are intentional. In fact, the “evil eye” which appears in many different cultures, can be cast completely unintentionally, and without a spell, just by using the sheer force of envy, hatred, or ill-wishing. Another magical attack can come from people I like to call “energy vampires,” who feed on other people’s positive energy, literally sucking the life force out of them. Maybe you know someone like this—you can recognize an energy vampire because you always feel tired and drained after talking to them, you feel like they take and take without giving back, and they always seem to be radiating negative energy. The best thing to do if you come in contact with an energy vampire is to stay away. Simply have as little to do with that person as possible. And then there are the intentional attacks—someone who is performing a spell or other magic in order to take revenge or otherwise cause you harm. In this situation, drastic defensive measures must be taken. How can you identify an attack? Well, you may begin to notice things “going wrong” or you may have a string of what you’d call “bad luck.” But don’t be so quick to write it off as bad luck, because a number of unfortunate incidents in a row could be a sign of magical assault. If you are getting the feeling that everything in your life is going wrong these days, it is definitely time to suspect magical attack as the cause. And the sooner you do this, the better. Because if you leave the problem alone, things will go from bad to worse. Don’t let it go on! Take defensive action as soon as things start “going wrong” for no reason. Another sign of potential attack is mental disturbance, like vivid nightmares that keep coming back, a feeling of oppressive anxiety, or being confused, disoriented, and forgetful for no apparent reason. You may also just have a “bad feeling,” you may feel like you are being followed, or that there is a shadow hanging over you. Don’t dismiss these signs and say, “I must be going crazy!” Take them seriously. It can’t hurt to do a protective spell, and it can actually do a lot of good. A side note: The mental signs listed above are also signs of a psychological disorder, such as depression, schizophrenia, anxiety and ADD. Magic is NOT a substitute for proper treatment and therapy, so if you suspect that you have any of these things, do a protective spell, AND see your doctor. There can also be physical symptoms of an attack. Headaches and fatigue are the most common. If you are having headaches and fatigue and cannot discover the cause, first see your doctor, and then consider your magical defenses. You can also sense an attack based on the reaction of the plants and animals around you. Finding more snakes, spiders, and other pests in your yard or home is a suspicious sign. Magical attacks will almost always affect plants and animals first. And actually, many Wiccans set up an “early warning system” by keeping a plant or two in the house. At the first sign of an attack, the plants will suffer first. Your house plants can actually be very effective “guard dogs” against dark forces, so make sure you water them! Now, experiencing one or two of these signs can often have a perfectly logical explanation. Everyone gets headaches once in a while, after all, and depending on the season, bugs and spiders may infest your house. Same thing goes for bad dreams, or even a string of bad luck. So don’t be too quick to attribute these things to the work of dark forces. But do keep your eyes open and be aware. I generally find that you will get a “feeling” when the signs cross the line from normal bad luck to “suspicious.” Stay aware, and stay vigilant, and you should be able to tell a real attack from plain old bad luck. So how do you protect yourself if you are experiencing any of the signs of attack? Well, the best offense is a good defense. That means doing regular protection and banishing rituals, like the ones I will share with you here. Casting Your Magic Shield One of the most useful tools in defensive magic is your shield. This isn’t a specific spell per se, but it is a very powerful mental tool that requires no other supplies except your own will and your imagination. Shields are very effective against negative people, energy vampires, and any other negative influences that you want to protect yourself from. Your shield may take some practice to conjure, but it will get stronger and stronger every time you do it, so don’t give up. Here is the technique for conjuring your personal protective magic shield: Find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed. Begin by imagining that there is a flow of energy that is connecting you to both the heavens and the earth. Picture it as a column that runs through you straight up and down. You are connected to the earth, and to the skies above. See it descend from the sky, and pass through you down to the earth. As you inhale, feel the power from above and below flow into you. As you exhale, feel that energy move throughout your body, infusing every cell and fiber of your body with power. Make a fist with your left hand and place it over your heart. Cover it with your right hand, and apply pressure. As you inhale again, feel the power gather around your heart. Direct all the energy in your body straight to your heart. See a small, gray sphere gather at your heart. Release the pressure on your chest and feel the sphere grow larger, expanding through your skin and encompassing your entire body. Push the sphere out about a foot or two from your body. This is your shield. Imagine that its surface is impenetrable, and that no dark or bad forces will be allowed in. You are safe and protected. You know your shield is there for you. The effects of the shield will generally wear off in a few hours. You may repeat the ritual again to bring your shield back. But be careful about using your shield too much. Yes, it will protect you from attack. But because it works against everyone, it will cut you off even from the people who mean you no harm at all. Use your shield only when you really feel that you need it. Protect Yourself from Psychic Attack by Christopher Penczak The heart of magick is empowerment. Magick taps into your own personal resources and builds a bridge of harmony with the universe. Fear is the limiting factor of empowerment. Those who seal away their own magick build a wall with their fear. They fear other people’s opinions, the responsibility, danger and ultimately themselves. Fear is a weapon used by those who seek to control the power. Control mongers bombard society with messages of fear to spread their own power. Healers, midwives and wise women were tortured and put to death during the Inquisition for using their knowledge and talents. The Church and the newly established medical profession wanted to keep their base of power, and the wise folk threatened them. Rumors of pacts with the Devil, evil witches casting curses and demons stealing children in the night were spread. The general public started to fear the wise folk, and newly developing psychics chose not to explore their gifts because of the social stigma associated with them. The lessons of the Inquisition were simple: Fear pain and death more than honoring your power. Learn to obey those in command. The higher power does not exist in you. You need others to tell you the truth. These are old lessons repeated over and over by dominating forces. Due to present and past life associations with such propaganda, mystical explorers often fear their own power and the ability to do magick. They believe evil things are lurking about, waiting to snatch their souls. They fear being healers and teachers and do nothing, playing it safe. Unfortunately, the world needs healers and teachers, wise women and cunning men more than ever before. Because of popular horror movies, books and Ouija boards, the world of magick is associated with the dark creatures that go bump in the night, ready to snatch us away. The good magick of fairy tales seems impotent by comparison, and as a society, we forget our ancient mythology. People with strong psychic, spiritual and magickal talents never tap these resources, fearing the worst will happen. First experiences can seem dark and mysterious, but we often encounter our own darkness and shadow selves, enabling us to make peace with them before we continue onward. I have heard many stories of “psychic attacks” from dark beings or even other practitioners, but 90 percent of the time, it is the victim’s own perceptions and fears reflected back. That is not to say there are not dark beings out there in the spiritual realms. There are, but these creatures are far less common than most people think. Fortunately, the techniques of protection work for both “real” and “self-created” attacks. Psychic Attacks Psychic attacks come in many forms. The simplest is an everyday experience. Someone says something bad about you, makes a judgment, calls you a name, yells or curses at you. The person is directing his or her energy in a harmful way toward you. If you are not strong enough in self-esteem and personal power, these little attacks take their toll. Do not become paranoid with this information. Do not go running around accusing everyone who does not agree with you of a psychic attack. Such negativity is not meant as an attack. It is an unfortunate by-product of how our society conducts itself. This is a simple, subtle way harmful energy is directed. We all do it at times. Most often, we do it to ourselves. We judge ourselves as not worthy, not attractive, not lovable, and these images become thought forms, packets of energy, filled with a poor self-image. When people experience an “attack,” they usually are experiencing and clearing these thought forms. Be aware and responsible of your own thoughts, directed towards yourself and others. Other thought forms and astral entities have a life of their own. You might feel a malevolent presence or voice. These are the reported demons and devils plaguing mystics. They take the form of your greatest fears. Their goal is your fear, your attention, your time and energy. They draw energy from you to feed their existence. Ignoring them is an easy way to break their hold. Laughter is even better. If you don’t take them seriously, they will lose power. Many people believe in “psychic vampires.” They are not the blood-drinking variety from Hollywood movies or Anne Rice novels, but actual people who drain your energy. Psychic vampires are not usually occult characters, but ordinary people who drive to work every day, raise families and go to school. Usually, they are not aware of this problem. A very few are aware of their energy draining tendency, but lack the skills to stop it. We all know people who are tired, drained and depressed, people who latch onto others for their continual support and strength. Not everyone who is occasionally depressed is a psychic vampire. We all get depressed. Vampires are rather rare, and vampirism can grow out of this malady. Remember vampires are not usually consciously attacking you, and once you are aware of the phenomenon, you can stop playing into their games. With your knowledge comes empowerment. The last kind of psychic attack is the most rare, coming from another practitioner of the magickal arts. These attacks come as curses, wishing bad luck, nightmares and psychic or mental pain. Usually, the person knows you and will have some vendetta against you. My mother’s godmother practiced folk magick in her Italian community and broke curses all the time. Belief and giving into the curse is the worst thing you can do. The more you feel you are cursed, the more the universe responds. No one can curse you unless you let him or her. Psychic Defenses All psychic defenses are based in building your own self-esteem, personal power and confidence. Some contain more physical acts, but ultimately it is your will empowering those acts. To purify a space and prevent unwanted, harmful energy from entering, burn purifying herbs. Frankincense and myrrh are a favorite of both witches and the Catholic Church. Native Americans use sage, cedar and sweetgrass. Southern American cultures burn copal. You can also use lavender or cinnamon. These substances naturally clear a space. Salt absorbs harmful energy. Iron grounds the same energy. Horseshoes were pointed down and hung over doors for this purpose. Iron nails are placed in house frames for the same reason. Potions and oils made of these substances are worn for protection. Magickal symbols of protection can be worn or drawn. Pentacles, crosses, the Star of David and the Eye of Horus are strong protection symbols, and you can usually find jewelry made with these symbols. Wear this jewelry with the intent of protection. A banishing pentagram, a star drawn starting in the lower left corner, dissolves harmful thought forms and removes unwanted spirits. Repeat it as many times as necessary. During meditation, start by visualizing a shield of clear crystal around your entire body, about three feet away. State “This protection shield protects me from all harm and reflects love back on the source of the harm.” Never send energy back to do harm; it will again return to trouble you. Even if one attacks you first, you are not justified to curse back. By sending love, you neutralize the harm. Wishing good things on your enemies can be the key to defeating them. They will be so happy with what they have that they stop bothering you. Bless your harm away, and more blessings will return to you. Similar protection shield visualizations can be used around your home, car, loved ones and pets. Sometimes binding spells are necessary. Write the name of the person meaning you harm on a piece of paper. Put it in a bottle, bound with black thread. Fill the bottle with sea salt, protection herbs, iron filings and things like John the Conqueror root. Seal the bottle and ask that this person harm you no longer. As long as you do not open it, the binding will last. You can put the bottle in your freezer or bury it in the backyard. As a last resort, call upon your guardian spirits. Call on your guardian angel, your spirit guides or the Goddess and God. A student of mine protected himself by asking for help from Mother Earth and drawing Her energy up and directing it to the malevolent spirit. Be creative when protecting. As you claim your power and grow in your magickal abilities, you will move in harmony with the universe and attract less attention from such darker entities. Others wishing you harm will effortlessly roll off you because you know your place in the cosmic dance of life. Nothing can make you skip a beat of your dance. SPELL AGAINST PSYCHIC ATTACK When an attack takes place, the Psychic Vampire receives an energy surge while the victim experiences fatigue. People who “suck” the energy of others are called “psychic vampires.” This “sucking” takes place when one’s energy is depleted and needs to be replenished so he or she “sucks” the energy of another person. It is not unusual for a person who is ill or feeling inadequate emotionally to draw upon or deplete energized individuals of their life force. These “suckers” are not bad people,most of them are not aware on a conscious level that they are doing what they are doing.Still, their unknowing actions can play havoc with anyone who leaves an energetic opening for this type of thievery. It is important for us to be aware that we may be susceptible to having our energies stolen from us and learn ways to protect ourselves.The harm in a psychic attack is that there is no fair exchange of energy and therefore one feels depleted while the other becomes energized. SYMPTOMS OF PSYCHIC ATTACK Leaky or diminishing aura dizziness loss of energy muscle tension mental confusion headaches chronic fatigue sleep disturbances, irritability depressed mood physical illness You begin to see others or one person receive your wishes and desires on a regular basis. TRAITS OF A PSYCHIC VAMPIRE Experiences feelings of abandonment or rejection needs constant reassurance never feels satisfied seeks nurturing low energy – fatigued Insecurity low self esteem usually overweight/underweight SPELL FOR PROTECTION AGAINST PSYCHIC ATTACK Become aware of what individuals deplete your energy and limit your contact with them.Visualization Techniques – Build walls of protection or create a bubble of light surrounding your auric field.Crystal Shields – amulets for protection SPELL TO STRENGTHEN YOUR PSYCHIC SHIELD The night before the Full Moon, find a place where your altar will not be disturbed for 24 hours.Put the cauldron in the center with a red candle on the right side, black candle of the left side, and white candle in the back; but do not light them yet.Sprinkle a mixture of equal parts of elder blossoms, marjoram, mint and rue in an unbroken circle around the cauldron. Into a tiny vial, measure equal drops of clove, frankincense,jasmine, and lavender. Set the sealed bottle in the cauldron and leave until the night of the Full Moon. On Full Moon night, take a cleansing bathe and robe yourself in white.Carry a good protective or purification incense through every room in the house.Make certain that the smoke drifts into closets.Return to the altar and light the candles. Take up the dagger or sword. Face the East and raise the sword in salute. To salute in this manner, simply hold the sword point upward in front of you. Say:By the power of the rising sun, all evil in my life is done.Turn to the South, salute, say:By the power of darkening night, my shield is strong, my armor tight.Turn to the North, salute, say:By Full Moon in blackening sky, I am not alone. My help is nigh.The Goddess’s hands around me stay, To keep me safe by night and day.Begone, foul spirits, unbidden here. I send you back, I do not fear.For I have won. I am set free. You have no further power over me.Face the altar and take up the vial of oil.Put a drop of oil on your finger and anoint your forehead, heart, solar plexus, wrists and ankles.As you do this, visualize a shining blue suit of armor slowly descending over yourbody until you are entirely protected. Cap the bottle and store in a safe place.Thank the Powers for their help and extinguish the candles.Apply the oil and repeat the chants whenever you feel the armor is slipping.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 01:18:47 +0000

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