Being CHOOSEY of your words may untangle a lot of - TopicsExpress


Being CHOOSEY of your words may untangle a lot of misunderstandings. Knowledge is power when its utilized for clarity, honesty, & reprimanding... The word family has as its first definition(Websters New World Dictionary With Student Handbook); orig., all the people living in the same house; household. its second definition; a social unit consisting of parents & their children. the children of the same parents. its third definition; a group of people related by ancestry(family descent or lineage) or marriage(the state of being married/any close union); relatives(related to each other). its fourth definition; all those claiming descent from a common ancestor; tribe or clan; lineage. its fifth definition; a group of things having a common source or similar features; specif., Biol. a taxonomic category(look it up, research words that you dont know, and your vocabulary will grow, and show...), ranking above a genus & below in order, a group of languages having a common ancestral language, Math, a set of curves, etc. with some shared property, of or for a family... Okay, so family CAN BE CHOSEN, or Involuntary. Its a concept NOT TRUE IDENTITY. A concept according to my Websters dictionary; an idea or thought, esp. a generalized idea of a class of objects; abstract(thought of apart from any particular instances or material objects. expressing a quality so thought of [beauty is an abstract word]). Not EASY to UNDERSTAND(especially if youre human and refuse to SPIRITUALLY BECOME BORN AGAIN); abstruse. theoretical; NOT Practical or Applied(basically somebody HAS BEEN telling lies) designating or of art that does not DEPICT(to represent in a drawing or sculpture, etc. to picture in words, describe) notion(a mental image). You CANNOT Play false house in REALITY, because REAL IS unreal ONLY if you CHOOSE IT TO BE... runteldat! And tell-them IT CAME FROM THE MASTER WITH ALL AUTHORITY! that WOULD BE GOD THE ALMIGHTY, just in case, youre blind AND refuse TO SEE! Or desired verbal-clarity! :P Therefore, To All Of My Facebook Family and Friends. Ive DRIVEN The Last Mile WITH My Mom, though following a hearse and 01-so-called-friend, & the other-half of 01-of her 04-children... Followed by My Aunties Older-Sibling and Her Husband(who DROVE A VERY LONG DISTANCE Just to Show Support to My Uncle, My Aunties ONLY Husband). My Mom HAS BEEN LAID TO REST, In this temporary Life, SHE Lived and Did Her Best. Now She RESTS IN GODS TEMPORARY HEAVEN, UNTIL CHRIST Jesus CRACKS THAT common sky, WITH THE ANGELS THAT WILL USHER GOD TO HIS THRONE IN THE SOON TO BE BY-And-BYE! GODS OWN NEW Jerusalem, WILL BE HEAVEN ON THE PURIFIED EARTH, Not IN GODS CURRENT HOME, THE HOLY THIRD HEAVEN. My ONLY Brother preceded Her GETTING THROUGH THE GATES OF GODS HOME IN HEAVEN. No t to mention a FEW Others PREDESTINED and CHOSEN!!!
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 13:10:47 +0000

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