Being HOMELESS is a CRIME in South Carolina, USA? Friends, here - TopicsExpress


Being HOMELESS is a CRIME in South Carolina, USA? Friends, here you are in 2014, times are tough, youve lost your job, cant pay your rent or bills, youve ran through your savings, and now you get evicted. Boom, just like that you are living on the streets, no car, no food, no job, no phone, no friends, you cant even take a shower etc., get the picture? So what happens now? Columbia, South Carolina Criminalizes Homelessness In Unanimous Vote (Aug 22,2013): City council members in Columbia, S.C., recently voted unanimously to criminalize homelessness. Concerned that Columbia has become a “magnet for homeless people,” and that businesses and the area’s safety are suffering as a result, council members agreed on Aug. 14 to give people on the streets the option to either relocate, or get arrested, according to the city’s “Emergency Homeless Response” report. Cooperative homeless people will be given the option to go to a remote 240-person bed emergency shelter, which will be open from September to March. The shelter will also be used as a drop-off for people recently released from prison and jail, too. A hotline will be set up for passersby to “report” a homeless person that needs to be removed, additional police will be dispensed to monitor the streets and vans will escort the homeless to the shelter. For one, there are an estimated 1,621 homeless people living in Columbia and the surrounding area, 25 percent of whom are members of families with children, a figure that could overwhelm the designated shelter. Advocates are also concerned about the fact that these homeless people will, in essence, be “locked up” upon arrival. But friends, is Columbia, the only place where this is a crime? Just last month (July 2013), Tampa Bay, Florida., passed an ordinance, which will allow police to arrest people sleeping on the streets and put them behind bars. (huffingtonpost) Rev 13:11 the lamb-like beast speaks as a dragon Is your anchor sure friend? How are you going to make it in these end times without Jesus?
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 01:59:05 +0000

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