Being India These are torrid times for my country Thousands of - TopicsExpress


Being India These are torrid times for my country Thousands of our civilians died in the last few days in a calamity that struck Uttrakhand region of northern India. Our currency, the rupee is at an all time low. Our government meanwhile is trying to figure out how to win the impending general elections. Our opposition is engaged in a leadership war within themselves. Our entrepreneur is not innovative. Our citizen is largely indifferent. And I am sitting in a dark room writing about all this stuff and doing nothing about it. I am very patriotic, my ideology is right leaning and pro democracy and I am now sharing how I dream India in the future. I believe my country should be a place where everyone is accepted and given a place to live and shine irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, belief, nationality or race. I believe my country should find every place for religious tolerance but NOT for religious extremism. I believe religious extremism should be killed and buried so deep that it never resurfaces. I believe that people of my country should be first of their country, then of their family and friends and then, if at all, of their religion. I believe that every child that takes birth within the boundaries of my country should be given equal opportunity to learn, develop, flourish and be all they can be and then some more irrespective of their economic back ground or religion or whatever. I believe that women of my country stand on equal ground as men, be allowed to express themselves in whatever way they want to, be allowed to succeed, lead and conquer as men. I believe that my country shall one day house, not urban slums but top tier cosmopolitan cities with world class infrastructure, opportunities and efficient administration and zero crime rates where people will be free to express themselves the way they want to and become all they want to. Our business houses shall one day be the engines of innovation and not the pools of stagnation and then I believe that soon enough we shall be pioneers of development and not laggards of it. The rich of my country shall one day realize their duties towards their poor brothers and sisters. We shall one day inherit the land of peace, prosperity, opportunity and beauty. I believe that the youth of my country will one day care less for the car they are driving or the people they are dating and more for the things they are changing and the lives they are touching. I believe that we shall be one day truly free of quotas. There either won’t be a ‘backward class’ or there won’t be any ‘vote bank politics’. I believe that one day we will not have to fight with our neighbors; we’ll either be too powerful for them or be their partners in development. I believe that one day we will wake up away from all this noise and all this hunger and all this unrest and all this discrimination and all this crime and all this violence and this pollution and all this extremism; into the land above imagined. But until then we have to fight and we have to fight hard because we never had our renaissance, we never had our revolution, we never had that awakening, we never had that inspiration to work for our country and make it into one of the great countries of modern times. Where are the Andrew Carnegies, the Rockefellers, the Fords, the Buffets of India? Where are the Washingtons, the Lincolns, the Kennedys of India? Where are the people we can look up to? We can only be as sorry as the people we look up to. Where is the fight? Where is the struggle? Where is that devotion to the country we call our own? We blame a lot on the government. We should also take a lot of blame on ourselves. We can be the shining beacons if the government fails to be the driving force. We can be those people who will be looked up to in the future. Look into the future, somewhere, sometime, someone might be reading about the stuff you are doing right now in a book and getting inspired by what you did; creating a domino effect. Greatness begets greatness. Enlightenment breeds change. All we need is just one great generation. Just one group of people that put their hand up and say, “Well that’s it; I am changing India; I am changing our life” And I believe that before our New Millennium generation; Nobody stood a better chance.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 21:25:21 +0000

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