Being Likable Or Unlikable If someone asks you how you are - TopicsExpress


Being Likable Or Unlikable If someone asks you how you are feeling and you actually tell them that things are terrible, people are not going to want to be around you. Extremely shy or depressed people are generally not likable, even though we might feel sympathy for them. So We must be positive and trust our God who never fail for anything to be likable. Being Around An Optimist Person! Optimists tend to respond to disappointments, like being turned down for a job, by formulating a plan of action and asking other people for help and advice. Pessimists often react to such difficulties by trying to forget the whole thing and assuming there is nothing they can do to change their circumstances. Which kind of person would you rather be around? Being Around An Optimist Person! Likable people are almost never poor me,” self-pitying people. If youve been around people who always tell you how the worlds treating them badly, or how their bosses treat them unfairly, quickly you want to get away. If you want to be likable, avoid being a poor me” person. Likable people simply lend a hand, have a smile, mind their own duties, calling, positions, business, families... and laugh easily, especially at themselves. They often understand humor and can get others to laugh. People like to be like you not because you are a man of God but because you mind about your calling/responsibilities. Followers want to copy you because you behave in a right way. They want to listen to you cause ure likable. If you cant manage your own family, you cant manage the community. If you cant be trustable when you are alone(at work, School, home, with people you do not know...) then the congregation cant trust you too. Every name people call you around, has what to do with your behavior. Ex. They do call you an unbeliever, cause maybe you dress like an unbeliever !!!! Which kind of person would you rather be around? Here is the Key to help you OVERCOME Eccl. 7: 15-29 wisdom comes through humility. In this passage, Solomon offers three provisions of wisdom. 1. Wisdom provides humility (7:15-18). 2. Wisdom provides strength (7:19-22). 3. Wisdom provides insight (7:23-8:1).
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 17:22:18 +0000

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