Being Memorial Day weekend, I thought it apropos to Remember those - TopicsExpress


Being Memorial Day weekend, I thought it apropos to Remember those who have fallen, especially a set who fell, whom we have No Honest answers, and no Complete After Action Review to prevent or minimize such a tragic loss. I share this article from Retired Colonel Allen West. We have a number of unresolved questions about Bengazi and how to prevent such a tragic loss and how to prevent an attack on a compound where we loose American lives and violation of Sovereign United States Territory. As well as why Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama were Not allowed to respond. Please take 15 minute this weekend to write your United States Senate Reprentative or United States Congress Representative this weekend, asking them to investigate Bengazi. Not for Criminal Reasons, but to prevent or minimize the risk of this from happening again. How should Status of force agreements be changed in the future? How could defenses at a consulate be better enforced. This is a repost from Allen West Republic page, article below: Today I had an experience that I truly felt was God sent. On the plane, I sat next to someone who was on the roof in Benghazi that night. This is the ground truth I learned allenbwest/2014/05/exclusive-confidential-source-reveals-really-happened-benghazi/ Senator Harry Reid Senator Marco Rubio David JollyRick ScottBill NelsonSenator Kelly Ayotte, Tammy Baldwin Senator Tammy BaldwinJohn Barrasso, Mark Begich Mark Begich Michael F. Bennet Richard Blumenthal Senator Richard BlumenthalRoy BluntSenator Roy Blunt Cory Booker John Boozman John Boozman Senator Barbara Boxer Barbara Boxer Sherrod Brown Richard Burr Senator Richard Burr Maria Cantwell Benjamin Cardin Senator Ben Cardin Thomas Carper Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr. Saxby Chambliss Daniel R. Coats Senator Dan Coats, Tom Coburn Senator Tom Coburn Thad Cochran Thad Cochran for Mississippi Senator Susan Collins U.S. Senator Susan Collins Chris Coons U.S. Senator Chris Coons Senator Bob Corker Bob Corker John Cornyn John Cornyn Senator Mike Crapo Senator Ted Cruz Joe Donnelly Senator Joe Donnelly Dick Durbin Senator Dick Durbin Michael Enzi Mike Enzi Senator Dianne Feinstein Dianne Feinstein Deb Fischer Jeff Flake Senator Jeff Flake Al Franken Al Franken for Senate 2014 Kristen Gillibrand U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham Lindsey Graham Chuck Grassley Kay Hagan Senator Tom Harkin Tom Harkin Orrin Hatch Senator Orrin Hatch Martin Heinrich Senator Martin Heinrich Heidi Heitkamp Senator Heidi Heitkamp Dean Heller U.S. Senator Dean Heller Mazie Hirono Senator John Hoeven John Hoeven for U.S. Senate (Official) Jim Inhofe Senator Jim Inhofe Johnny Isakson U.S. Senator Mike Johanns Ron Johnson Senator Ron Johnson Senator Tim Johnson Tim Kaine Angus King Senator Angus S. King, Jr. Mark Kirk Senator Mark Kirk Amy Klobuchar Senator Mary Landrieu Stop Mary Landrieu Senator Patrick Leahy United States Senator Mike Lee Carl Levin Senator Joe Manchin III Edward J. Markey John McCain Claire McCaskill Senator Claire McCaskill Mitch McConnell Senator Mitch McConnell Senator Menendez Jeff Merkley Senator Jeff Merkley U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski Jerry Moran Jerry Moran Lisa Murkowski Senator Lisa Murkowski Christopher Murphy Patty Murray Senator Rand Paul Rand Paul 2016 Rand Paul Rand Paul 2016 Rand Paul Revolution Rob Portman Senator Rob Portman Mark Pryor Mark Pryor Senator Jack Reed Jim Risch Jim Risch Pat Roberts John Rockefeller IV Senator Jay Rockefeller Marco Rubio Bernie Sanders Senator Brian Schatz Brian Schatz Chuck Schumer Senator Charles E. Schumer Tim Scott Senator Tim Scott Jeff Sessions Jeanne Shaheen Senator Jeanne Shaheen Senator Richard Shelby Richard Shelby Debbie Stabenow Jon Tester John Thune Senator John Thune Pat Toomey Senator Pat Toomey Mark Udall Mark Udall for Colorado Senator Tom Udall Tom Udall Senator David Vitter John Walsh John Walsh (Official) Senator John Walsh Mark Warner Senator Mark Warner Senator John Warner U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren Elizabeth Warren Senator Sheldon Whitehouse Senator Sheldon Whitehouse Senator Ted Kennedy U.S. Senate Democrats Senator John Kerry National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) Derrick Grayson for Senate
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 23:10:13 +0000

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