Being Thankful, just to have clean clothes, to have a car w/gas, - TopicsExpress


Being Thankful, just to have clean clothes, to have a car w/gas, ability to walk, to move w/out extreme pain...thinking about these things makes me thankful...But thinking about what Jesus did for me, my Lord, makes it a Happy Day!!! Amen!!!...Pass it on to someone that life has beaten down...Amen... I remember one cold Saturday morning when I was pastoring at Faith Memorial Church in Cleveland, TN, I woke up knowing I am supposed to go to this little town, to this Phillips 66 in Dalton Georgia to get my breaks done (I had been waiting, and had just enough to get-r-done)... Dalton was a little town on the border of theTennessee/Georgia line...I had been waiting for enough money to get them done, and I that day had just enough to get them done and eat a Hardys Big Country breakfast while I waited...So, knowing in my heart today is the day, off I went... Along the way there I had to travel a highway known to locals as the angel highway as many people traveling through said they had picked up a hitch hiker on on it and he/she were told a specific message about their life/decisions then told Jesus loves them, that there is only one God, and to call upon His name and they would be saved... So, this is the highway I was traveling when I saw a hitch hiker, a man who looked like he had been a transient for a while, walking alongside the road...Now whether it was this highway or any, I always picked up hitchhikers (cant scare me with Heaven!!) out of compassion for them and a desire to share Christ in some way with them..So, as this man got into my car the smell was bad I had to creatively roll down my window...As he got into the car he dropped a gunnysack and whatever was in there clanked like metal on metal when it hit the floorboard...I looked at him and introduced myself and asked him a few questions about himself...and then he began to tell me about his life... I asked him, Whatcha got in the bag? To which he replied, Tools. He then told me he had been a carpenter, but had been out of work for quite a while...had lost his home...and just about lost all hope...I asked him when the last full meal was that he had eaten, and he told me it had been over a month...I told him I was buying him a Big Country Breakfast with all the fixins, and I wouldnt take no for an answer... I only had enough money to get my brakes fixed and buy one breakfast...I told him that I was going to pray and believe God for a job for him...and shared that God had a good plan for his life...and that the devil did too, a plan to kill, steal and destroy his life...About then we came to a Hardees and pulled over and went in...I went to the counter and ordered my friend a big country breakfast with coffee and orange juice...As I was at the counter placing the order, the manager was behind the counter winking at me and smiling...My 1st thought was, If he winks at me again, Im going to yank him across this counter and knock his lights out! Now all I said was that I thought that...didnt do it...just thought it...big difference folks...... So, I get my new friends breakfast and we go sit down...while hes eating his breakfast, that manager comes over and looks at me with this great big I slowly look up at him, he says to the man, You need to listen to everything this man is telling you sir! Hes telling you the truth! You see just a little over a year ago, a man just like him picked me up off the highway and brought me in here, and bought me breakfast just like he did for you today...He shared how God loved me and had a good plan for my life and that if I committed my life to Him everything would start to turn around... The manager whom I thought mistakenly (your brain is made up of the same junk as mine, and can be totally wrong in its evaluation and calculation) was making some nauseous gay advance, was really just overjoyed to see someone doing for another what had been dome for him... The manager went on to say that when he was picked up, he was totally broke, busted and disgusted with life...had absolutely nothing...But that day, that morning he prayed with that man and received Christ and was born again right in the same seat where this man was sitting! He went on to say, after breakfast he went up to the counter and made application and got a job, and today he is the location manager, and pointed out to the parking lot where his truck was, and shared how his life is totally brand new, totally changed and that he knew God would do the same for him! WOW!!! After this man got through eating his breakfast and listening to me and the Hardys store manager...he accepted Jesus as Lord of his life...After we prayed, I looked out the window and noticed a construction site...I told the man to wait here just a minute and went outside to the site and asked for the job site foreman...He came up to me and I point blank told him he didnt know me from Adam but I needed to ask him for a favor...I asked him to employ this homeless man...I told him that he would probably be pretty weak for a while but that if he would just give him a chance, I knew God would bless him for doing it...The foreman agreed and told me to tell him he had a job!!! I was able to walk back into that Hardees and tell the man that formerly was hopeless, starving and had no job...that NOW God had met all his needs and that He would continue to... Point I wanted to drive home...never judge...Choose the high road & choose Gods path...just pray for folks and help them...Be Jesus with skin to them, and share life with them...Give of yourself...share the love of Christ with them and you may just get to be part of a miracle that turns their life around and yours as well!! Amen!! Selah... Rev. Bill Lowder BILL LOWDER MINISTRIES 918-955-4074
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 14:35:39 +0000

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