Being a Christian should entail two things: 1) an acknowledgement - TopicsExpress


Being a Christian should entail two things: 1) an acknowledgement that my reconciliation to God ONLY comes through Jesus blood sacrifice and 2) to model my life after the Christ who redeemed me. When I examine the Gospel, I repeatedly discover Jesus tremendous compassion towards all people. I notice that there are no records of Jesus sidebar conversations with the disciples about how much sinners suck. I notice that when He heals, He doesnt ask people what synagogue they belong to or if they are in good standing with the priests. I also notice then when He goes to dinner with someone its usually those that the religious have deemed as unworthy and lost causes. Im continually amazed that those who are saved merely by grace ascend their religious high horses to attack those who either arent saved or dont express their salvation in way that meets church traditions. Im amazed that those who have been redeemed through grace and mercy seem to have none when looking at the world. Im saddened that many would rather throw harsh words than prayer and call it representing the Father. Based on what Ive read in scripture…if Jesus walked the earth now, He wouldnt attend all the church conferences. He wouldnt wear a suit and roll with the churchs in crowd. In fact based on how the religious of that day treated him, its probably safe to say that most of the church people would label Jesus a sinner or worse and keep following their useless rituals. How can you show love to those you despise? How can you reach those you consider yourself to be superior to? Maybe the world doesnt reject Jesus because of Jesus…maybe they reject Jesus because of you. Maybe the next time you want to throw stones you should consider that you havent always been saved and even as a saved person you still have a lot of junk in your life that could let others question your salvation….like how easy it is to judge your brother and say you are representing God. For God so loved the world…not the church….Jesus loves the Beyonces, the Jay Zs and the MaDonnas of this world just like HE loves you…and if thats hard to grasp you should ask yourself if you are a Christian or a Pharisee.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 13:58:04 +0000

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