Being a girlfriend is not just about being beautiful and - TopicsExpress


Being a girlfriend is not just about being beautiful and attractive for your guy you must know that . Its not just about letting him chase you letting him do sweet things every time youre mad at him and not just receiving flowers and gifts doing your anniversaries. Its not about doing those girly things just to get his attention and not just about feelings mighty every time he did everything you want. Its also being an emotional partner wherein you support him in every opportunity and optical he takes , you appreciate everything that he does for you and you thank him for doing it you remind him or the things he must do and what he must not. Just because you know that you can always keep him on his feet doesnt mean you can manipulate him. You understand him not just as a partner but as a individual too 💋. You help him in every way showing him, that in the relationship, theres no I or you theres only we and us . You know also that a man has their ego and even when he it becomes a little irritating sometimes you still understand that its a part of his nature . A girlfriend is just not a term it also has responsibilities that every girl must know . Youre a friend a sister a second mom a teacher and a best friend so please remember this all the females that is mad at him please dont get upset its his life and he made a choice so grow up stop in boxing him harassing him Zach Odell . ❤️💜💜
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 06:12:59 +0000

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