Being a member of Congress is a privilege granted by the voters of - TopicsExpress


Being a member of Congress is a privilege granted by the voters of the United States and with that privilege come responsibilities. When those elected cannot or will not uphold the Constitutional obligations of their office, we have the explicit right to remove those who have been ineffective with growing our economy. We have the Constitutional right to Congressional representation without restriction, obstruction and fear of retribution put to our members of Congress from self serving organizations and individuals. Once elected, these men and women have the responsibility to represent all of the people within their district, without exception. Our members of Congress have forced upon us their personal, party and corporate ideologies that have divided our nation. These divisions are based on social, economic, religious, gender, gender preference and racial categories to which those who are in these groups have been deemed as less than deserving of proper representation. They have become scapegoats, victimized, marginalized and demonized by our elected officials and their misguided followers. Our Congress has an obligation to ensure that every American has the ability and the opportunity to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Those three minimum Constitutional requirements of which Americans have as rights are different for each person, and therefore restrict Congress from legislating social and personal lives. It is long past the time to remove from Congress those who have demonstrated intolerance for certain groups of Americans. It is long past the time to replace corruption with cooperation. In November 2014 we have the opportunity to eliminate inept and self serving members of Congress. We must do this to save our nation from continued economic destruction. In 2014 we must remove those in Congress who have divided our nation and who have victimized us. We must, without hesitation, replace every anti-American member of Congress with true community leaders, and leave in place those who are willing to grow our economy. Our Congress has an absolute obligation to keep our nation economically secure. One form of that financial security comes from living wage employment opportunities for Americans at all socio-economic levels. For the last 30 years Congress and five Presidents have removed that economic security from American households. Since the early 1980’s, Congress and these five Presidents have provided free trade agreements, tax breaks, loopholes and other incentives to move over 50 million manufacturing jobs offshore. Those lost jobs have cost the American economy several trillion dollars every year. Corporate executives, special interest organizations and wealthy individuals have coerced and intimidated our members of Congress and our Presidents into passing laws that have created tax free multinational corporations that do not grow our economy. These same self serving interests have prospered at the expense of the economic security of most American households. In 2014 our failed members of Congress will be asking that they get re-elected. If you or someone you know lives in such a district or state, do not renew their employment contract. Do not elect the person who may be running against these incumbents. Starting today, and every day until the next election in November 2014, we must do everything we can to unseat every corporate coerced, intimidated and contemptuous member of Congress. We must spend our time encouraging trusted local community leaders to replace the current members of Congress. To do this, each of us must gather family, friends, neighbors and coworkers together; start dialogs; work to find new members of Congress who will represent us, not people who represent the few that will pay to achieve favorable legislative decisions. Find a community leader; ask them questions that are pertinent to the economic needs of your community. If they present actual plans or ideas, spread the word as best as you can and tell people to write in the names of those community leaders for the position being vacated. Remember, they only have to meet the minimum requirements as established by the Constitution. These potential members of Congress do not need political, economic or academic prerequisites or connections; they do need to have the intellect, willingness and the ability to act with the interest of your community and our national economic strength. https://facebook/photo.php?v=4945484642809
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 04:57:58 +0000

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