Being a thrifty person, who likes one stop shopping and savings in - TopicsExpress


Being a thrifty person, who likes one stop shopping and savings in one, I like to frequent Walmart. ...and, I hesitated to pass this along. But, while well-intentioned, Im sure, to help some less fortunate minorities who frequent their stores, and work at their stores, in light of recent activities of Sharpton and Co., including killing cops as demanded in Treasonous, Seditious Speech before crowds riled up with falsehoods, and half-truths at best, I think they ought to rethink where their money is being spent. Especially, what with the Investigation into Sharpton inciting these coldblooded murders of cops, allegedly, and the fact that they may well follow the money trail which supported such illegal activities, R.I.C.O.-like, and felony murder rule-like, as well. Just saying, they might find themselves criminally and civilly liable if they dont turn over a new leaf in this. And, we need to get on the horn with them, and let them know how we, their biggest paying supporters, feel about our bravest being gunned down by those domestic terrorists they fund, under Sharptons leadership. (D.M.) mrconservative/2014/12/54389-walmart-caught-funding-al-sharpton/
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 05:42:47 +0000

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