Being a twin does not make one a clone. For proof, look no - TopicsExpress


Being a twin does not make one a clone. For proof, look no further than Ennis High School seniors, Nacole Martello and Chelsea Martello. Sure, they have plenty in common--their last name, a similar physical appearance, a love for family and all things Montana, a deep compassion for people, and so on-- but if you ask around or have a chance to visit with them as I did, youll learn in no time flat that theyre as different as individuals as anyone else in theyre class. Which is saying something. As one who is normally panic stricken in the midst of identical twins, hoping beyond hope that I wont have to greet one by name or, heaven forbid, use one of their names in a sentence, Id like to both make my case and provide the public service of relieving those in my shoes by offering the following Six and a Half Ways that Nacole and Chelsea are clearly different. Ready? Here goes... #1. Nacole loves volleyball and Chelsea, basketball. If youre ever in a jam, just throw something at a low, awkward angle at their knees. If she bumps it back to you or dives at it with a clenched fist to keep it from hitting the ground, its Nacole. If she dribbles it, catches it and pivots away from you, or taps it back for an assist, its Chelsea. #2. Nacole is an introvert, but far from a stick in the mud. Given the choice, shes the quieter of the two and seems more private. Chelsea, though? Shes just the opposite. So hold up your hand. If she waves back, then puts her hand down, its Nacole. If she gives you a high five, and does some crazy hand shake or hip hop move, its Chelsea. #3. Nacole is a girly-girl; Chelsea, a tomboy. If her outfit looks coordinated, her hair is done up, or shes wearing make up, its Nacole. If she looks like shes in college on a Thursday or like shes heading off to an intramural game in shorts or sweats, its Chelsea. #4. Nacole wants to become a pediatric nurse; Chelsea a nutritionist/dietician. A discrete way to know whos who would be to ask, So, remind me again of what youll be studying at MSU..., and itll be a cinch. Better yet, pretend you know a kid who gets headaches and ask either one what theyd prescribe. If she says to administer a cold press to their forehead, its Nacole; if the answer involves laying off the sugar, its Chelsea. #5. Nacole is a nurturer and Chelsea is more active. Find a baby real quick and toss it to one of them. If she nurtures the thing, its Nacole. If she starts shadow boxing it, messing with it, or playing a game of any kind, its Chelsea. #6. (Warning: this one is situational and can be a little iffy, but is worth a try if youre desperate.) If Nacole and Chelsea are together, then ask any question at all. Keep it simple, say, about the weather. If she defers, its probably Nacole. If she fires off an answer, its Chelsea. #6.5. If all else fails, and the blood completely drains from your brain in their presence, then simply ask their birth order. The basketball player with the elbows and the blocking out skills arrived first. That would be Chelsea. Her baby sister didnt mind though. Nacole was running a little behind. It had something to do with putting her hair up in the right color scrunchie. So there you have it. The six and a half ways to tell the difference. (Youre welcome.) Congratulations, Nacole and Chelsea, for 13 great years, K-12, in Ennis! Best of success to both of you beauties respectively. :)
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 13:52:13 +0000

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