Being as it is Sunday...... The Math of Faith God ≠ - TopicsExpress


Being as it is Sunday...... The Math of Faith God ≠ Satan God = Good Therefore, Satan = Bad With me so far? OK. Entry to God’s club; • Merciless murder on an Epic scale (Jews to promised land, Noah, judgment day (TBC), crusades, Jihad, name a war?) • Sacrifices; o Goats, animals in general… o Your own first born son (Abraham/Isaac *NB he didn’t actually do it, but was seemingly quite keen) o “his “ own son (Jesus) o Everybody (Noah) • Required to be susceptible to hallucinations/dreams in order to send “the word” to the masses/people (burning bushes…. etc.) (not a very omnipotent way to spread “the word”) • Obey the 10 commandments (or similar rules), except most of the time when merciless murder of non-believers or critics is “required” (Inquisitions? Jihad? Etc.) • Surrender unto him – with unquestioning faith (sound familiar) implausible positions cannot easily be defended. • Incestuous behaviour – You explain the Old Testament otherwise, or the general xenophobia exhibited by almost ALL religious entities. • Need I go on… (?) Consequences for NOT being in God’s club; • Having “woe betide upon you” by believers • Burnt at the stake, drowned, tortured, stoned etc. • Eternal damnation • Purgatory and Hell • Jihad and suicide bombers etc. • Floods, plagues, famine, war, death Generally speaking, very bad things – i.e. not merciful And for the Satan; • Non stated, just be YOU (as you were created?) God (allegedly) makes “man” in his own image, he knows our flaws as he created them. Therefore, he knows that most WILL fail. Therefore, God = a Sadist Sadist ≠ merciful Sadist ≠ Good Or Sadist = Bad Therefore, God = Bad But, God ≠ Satan (see above) Satan (Hebrew: שָּׂטָן satan, meaning adversary;[1] Arabic: شيطان shaitan, meaning astray or distant, sometimes devil) is a term, as well as the name of a figure appearing in the texts of the Abrahamic religions[2][3] The original Hebrew term satan is a noun from a verb meaning primarily to obstruct, oppose Satan = adversary Therefore, Satan = Good (?) Oops! So, somewhere along the line it would appear that the Devil (or Satan) being not righteous (following the path of God - as compared to being a very good person), has indeed pulled the greatest trick in history and made people believe he IS God – i.e. the good guy. Seems, you God bothers are in fact…worshipping (having faith in) the Devil? Which infers Devil worshippers are actually following the Ill fated, good guy subjected to a lot of bad propaganda. Put that in your pipe and smoke it you self-righteous *****!!! Comments gratefully received. Of course, the whole thing is totally academic as they are, obviously, both imaginary. Have a nice day! :-)
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 12:05:13 +0000

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