Being in direct sales over 30 years, Ive seen many a company take - TopicsExpress


Being in direct sales over 30 years, Ive seen many a company take a beating in the press and labeled a villain. Ive also seen many a company be the darling of the press. And then just as quickly the tables turn and the villain becomes the darling. If you are using what you have heard about your current company in the press as an excuse for why you arent making progress -- better run and get yourself a mirror instead. Experience shows that it is rarely what the company does or doesnt do that determines whether you rise to the top or not. Odds are its YOU. Yes, I know it is hard to hear. And yes, I know that many of you will argue with me about it. But you say if my company only offered a better compensation plan I would rise to the top or if my company had better management, that would make all the difference in my career or if only my company did everything right and stopped messing up, certainly I would be very successful already. Really? Ive seen it happen many times. Someone will dive in to the business and really work hard making their way mid-way up the pay plan. Then the company decides to change something in the compensation plan or change the price of the products or changes the management. The mid-way up the pay plan person declares it cant be done because of the new development and jumps ship to another company because it is so much better over there. Only to repeat the process when the newly joined company changes something in their compensation plan, changes prices or changes their management. Company to company to company they go -- never staying long enough to make it to the top of the pay plan -- never really earning the big bucks. And all along the way, declaring it isnt their fault -- its those darn companies! Ive even seen another extreme to this -- the person halfheartedly works the business with the first company for many, many years -- but jumps ship after a spell of bad press declaring they cant take it anymore and blaming their long term lack of success on the company when the reality is they really didnt figure out how to do the business in a profitable way -- they had been spinning their wheels. They chose to spin their wheels for years and years rather than learning a more profitable way to do the business with that company. So why am I writing this? Please dont let this be you! Take 100% responsibility. Do companies have problems? Yes, all of them do! But likely there are a whole bunch of people within that company also earning a bunch of money, too -- they figured it out! Why not make it your business to find out what they are doing different than you instead of blaming the company? Two of my favorite quotes on this subject -- the first from Tom Big Al Schreiter All companies have problems, you just need to decide which company you want to have your problems with! and the second from Jim Rohn Dont wish it were easier. Wish you were better. Pick a company and then devote yourself to self improvement and running a profitable business instead of jumping from company to company looking for the perfect compensation plan or the perfect management. It aint out there and youll just be broke and frustrated continuing to think it is.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:34:40 +0000

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