Being professional is a decision. The size of you business is - TopicsExpress


Being professional is a decision. The size of you business is not the size of your business. It is the reflection of what is in the 4 inches between your ears. This is what it might take in terms of action from all of us, to help the people we have spoken to and have become part of our organization. Remember, in this business as in life in general, it takes 50% attitude and the remaining 50% is attitude as well. It’s called A.S.K which means; A for attitude S for Skill & K for Knowledge. Note: If you only have 100% S & K you will fail. 100% attitude with sufficient S & K and you will succeed. Here is my opinion on what it takes: To be a professional means to be: an expert, specialized, qualified, proficient, skilled, trained, practiced and certified. How many of these words describe you and your business? In addition to being a PROFESSIONAL, it is equally important to be ELITE. In some ways, being a professional and being elite are the same. But the word Elite itself has such an empowering meaning. What do you think of when you hear the word Elite? Some words that come to mind are: special, influential, the best and cream of the crop. Think for a minute of someone you may know who is already “elite.” How did they get that way? Were they born elite? The answer is plain and it is probably not. They had to work at it, they had to set goals and accomplish them. Elite people keep going, even when their job gets tough. Elite individuals have an undying dedication to their cause and nothing distracts them from reaching their goals. Set realistic goals with a timeline and add positive pressure to it by telling a friend what you have set out to do. Then have will power to stick to it and finally do it with passion. Repetition is the key to success and Persistence is the mother of personal change. Aptly put, Benjamin Disareli said, “The secret of success is the constancy of purpose.” Remember, failure is only failure if you view it as such. If you see it as a lesson you will learn from each lesson. Robin S. Sharma put it eloquently, “There are no mistakes only lessons. There is no such thing as a negative experience, only opportunities to grow, learn and advance along the road of self mastery.” If you want to stand out from other Network Marketers, then be elite. Teach your “downlines” (I prefer to use the word business associates) how to be elite. Teach them attitude. Keep their heads high and not be ashamed of what they are endeavouring to do. They are striving to become architects of their future. Tell them to remember WHY they started this business. They did it to achieve a dream. Remember this business helps ordinary people achieve extraordinary results. It’s easy not to prepare, not to study & not to practice presenting your business. Remember! This business is about duplication. Every act you and word you say must be duplicable. That should be kept in mind at all times. Dare to be different and you will succeed. Understand the rules for success. They are: 20 Dreams 150 names going up by 10% each month and Not less than 15 Personal Presentations a month. When your prospect replies unfavorably, you may have the tendency to toss the business aside and tell your upline that you are not made out for this. Never do this; it’s the worst thing you could possibly do! QUITTING is the ONLY way you will fail. It’s true of course you may say you are not made for this. The truth is no one is! That is why we must submit ourselves to learning this business humbly and from a successful working upline. Everything you are today is what you yourself had to do. Embrace this opportunity with the same enthusiasm to valuable trade, skill or personality trait. I encourage each and every one of you to take every possible opportunity to get more training or to focus on business or personal development. Elite people yearn for knowledge that will make them better. Associate with winners and learn to think & act like they do. You will succeed. After doing some research, people often miss the greatest asset of Network Marketing. When Network Marketing is approached and conducted as it should be, you will have earned the right to have residual income and time freedom to choose whatever you wish to do each day. More than that, all of us now possess the knowledge to do it again and again. That is an added freedom that is very empowering. With total certainty you can go into any new location in life and immediately begin to create something from nothing into a prosperous business. Being elite is a very profitable quality to have. Enjoy the process of learning it! In Service, FAITH leadership
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 01:33:06 +0000

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