Being the other side So what is the other side in the area of - TopicsExpress


Being the other side So what is the other side in the area of Research? If you have to ask that question that really is little of the problem isnt it? Having to even ask the question reveals the fact you very likely just dont understand the situation. The phenomenon that is bigfoot is made up of two opposing sides. There is bigfoot research, and there is bigfootery... which has nothing to do with actual research while pretending that it does, harming research efforts in the process. And just to be an asshole, lets marginalize the issue one step further, one of the saddest side effects of bigfootery in recent years is that there are newbies who have come into the subject thinking theyre researchers, or that they are doing research and not so much. Let me clarify one point before getting deeper into this, I am not deriding armchair efforts. More than one good sighting map was correlated by the person who took the time to gather the information and put it all together. Historical reports and this kind of thing being tracking and collected as data requires what has been called armchair research, and is it is a piece of the puzzle, just not the one Im focusing on in this piece, just wanted to make that point. Research as in field research on the other hand is exactly that, done in the field. It involves actual effort, and speaking to that, were talking about identifying viable habitat, tracking recent activity reports, cross referencing the two and then getting out there and conducting actual filed research. This doesn’t simply amount to going out in the woods and whacking on a tree and thinking any noise you get back is the monkey. If thats your method, spare me. You are looking, listening and observing more than youre not. Its note exciting per say and can be tedious. But like it or not the tedium is what will pay off. In the community there is a minority of folks who actually do this, and might be considered actual researchers or investigators. The majority unfortunately fall into the enthusiast realm, the tourists if you will. And Im not trying to draw dividing lines for the sake of doing so, so some honest enthusiasts are trying and as they go will evolve into what Im talking about. Unfortunately you have to somehow avoid, ignore or see for what it is, the fluff and nonsense. For the sake of some brevity I will leave the fringers to the fantasy world because they get all pissy when you tell them they live in a fantasy world, so in effect enjoy your world of red lines and dots and piss off. You also have some who will just die if they dont get on TV, or keep up their blog hits, or keep up their YouTube follower numbers. You know the type, you get bombarded on facebook by it on a daily basis. What do any of these things have to do with research or investigation of this mystery? Other than exploitation for a quick buck, some petty fame and the like, nothing...nothing at all. And along the way you poison the efforts of others who actually do the hard stuff. But fear on, fluff often equates to fad, and all fads run their course, even squatchy. The time will come when its no longer the flavor of the month and you can easily thank the shit box offerings of cable for that, and when its not quite as popular any more. the folks who really are trying to get answers to a mystery will be here still trying if they haven’t been demoralized by all the whoring in the meantime. Yes I said whore, deal.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 12:23:49 +0000

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