Beintehaa 12th August 2014 Written Episode Zain and Aaliya are at - TopicsExpress


Beintehaa 12th August 2014 Written Episode Zain and Aaliya are at a business meeting. Staff says business proposal is very good. Zain approves the project. Aaliya does not. They start verbal argument. Zain says she must not have read the whole proposal. Aaliya says she was working on mobile and listening to the proposal and asks Zain if he is jealous of her multitasking skills. Zain thinks only 2 months are left and reminisces moulvi Saheb’s words. Aaliya gets Dr. Habeeb’s call who asks her to come home as Zara is ill and he is going to bring medicines for her. Aaliya says she will reach there. She informs her staff to deny client’s proposal and says mamu would have done same. Zain asks if she knows her dad more than him. Aaliy says yes. Aaliya says she is 51% owner of hotel and her decision is final. Staff agrees. Once she goes, Zain says his decision is final as hotel is his dad’s. Staff agrees him also. Aaliya tries to feed soup to Zara with Kabeer. Kabeer says he wants papi/Rehan. She says she will come soon. Zara says she wants to meet her mom. Aaliya asks she told her mom can see them, then where is she. Zara shows her mom’s pic. Aaliya wishes Rida’s pic and asks if she can sit in her place. She asks Zara same questions. Zara says she is allowed to sit and hugs her. Rehan reaches home and picks Zara. Zara says she wants to meet her mom. Rehan asks Aaliya to bring cold water cloth for Zara as she is having high fever. Aaliya agrees. Zain reaches home and sees Surayya her still awake and crying. He asks why did not she sleep yet. Surayya says her habit is not allowing her to sleep, she hears Usman’s voice asking her to open her eyes. She gives Zain Usman’s handcuffs and says it is his now. Rehan sees Aaliya taking care of Zara and sleeping next to her. Aaliya says Zara will be fine by next morning. Rehan sees her trying to get down from the bed and helps her. He apolgizes on Zara’s behalf and thanks her. Aaliya says even now when she gets ill, she needs her mom, even Zara was needing her mom. Rehan says she does not have a habit of taking care of children. Aaliya says she does not know office work also, but is learning. She will learn taking care of kids also and Zara/Kabeer are the main reason for her to stay here. Rehan says he will prepare food for her. She agrees. Shaziya sees Surayya waiting for someone and asks if she is waiting for Aaliya. Surayya says her sister is coming. Shaziya asks how did she born suddenly. Surayya says her sister stays abroad and is coming to meet her and asks Shaziya and Nafisa to behave well in front of her. They both agree. Aaliya reaches hotel venue and is shocked to see prosopal papers ready even after her denial. Shaziya suggests Surayya to do some charity for Usman’s sake. Nafisa asks her to stop buttering. Fahad comes and asks Surayya about Zain. She says he is still sleeping. He says let him sleep as he is working hard now a days. Shaziya thinks she will have to prove her mettle and get Barkath Royale in her name before Fahad divorces her. She says Fahad that she will go to office. Fahad rejects her offer. She then says Surayya that she will keep an eye on Aaliya there. Surayya permits her. Aaliya asks Zain how can he approve the proposal when she denied it. Zain says he and Fahad are 49% stake holders, so they can take decision in her absence. Aaliya says she had an emergency yesterday, so she had to go. Zain says decision is taken now and asks her to move away from his eyes. Aaliya sits back on her seats and thinks why is Zain hating her so much, she is here just to fulfill her promise towards mamu and thinks hope Zain does not do anything. Precap: Police arrest Zain’s clients who are partying in hotel. Zain blames Aaliya for calling police.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:23:26 +0000

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