Belief in Jesus is same as saying believing The Word of God - TopicsExpress


Belief in Jesus is same as saying believing The Word of God because The Word is Jesus. Now lets examine this real fast- The Word says that All things work together for good, thus one who believes Jesus(The Word) is one who will never fret, fear, sorrow over anything! Do you see how even we who profess to believe in Jesus really do not believe, for if we did believe, we all would be floating on clouds 24-7 in electric joy and perfect peace. Truth be told is that we all are on different levels but we all have fallen short of hitting the Mark, whether one claims to be a believer, or whether one claims to be an unbeliever- we really are all the same! That is why Christ Himself said for us to remove the beam from our own eyes before trying to remove the speck from the eyes of others, because until we ourselves walk in perfect peace in ALL things, despite us maybe walking in perfect peace in some things, we still are no better than someone walking full of fear and anxieties and sorrows in all things.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 23:49:17 +0000

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