Beliefs -> Attitude -> Actions -> Results [Critical for your - TopicsExpress


Beliefs -> Attitude -> Actions -> Results [Critical for your breakthrough for next year] We have all probably heard of or read about this saying by now. The results you get come from the actions you take. The actions you take depend on the attitude you have. And ultimately, your attitude is determined by the beliefs you have. So simply said, your beliefs will lead to the kind of results you get. And if you dont like the kind of results youre getting at the moment, if youre not satisfied with them, then you know that you must change your actions, attitude, beliefs. This is not just some theoretical concept... this is as scientific as it comes. For example: 2 athletes with the same potential, the same background and the same everything else... if one is hungry and the other is nonchalant (different belief and attitude), they will have extremely different results. They will have different outcomes. Different life paths. Different destinies. This has been proven again and again. Not only in the world of sports but also in business and other areas. Your belief determines your attitude which determines the actions you will take and ultimately give you the results youll get. Its plain cause and effect. Action leads to consequence. Heres how it often plays out in the business world... A few months ago I posted a video critiquing a few ads of some well-known brands in the tertiary and private education industry. I even shared exactly how they can tweak their ads easily to significantly improve their results... without any additional costs whatsoever. A couple of friends who were familiar with one of the brands (S) notified it... and immediately they... Did NOTHING! Yup, they did nothing. They didnt change anything or improve their ads. They continued to run bad ads. In fact, I recently saw one of the print ad, and its still pretty unpersuasive. I guarantee that its severely under-performing... which means that theyre basically throwing money away. Now, why is that? It comes down to: Beliefs -> Attitude -> Actions -> Results Maybe they think that, Weve been doing it this way all the while anyways. Why should we change it? (Even though its clearly not performing as well as it should.) Or maybe they were thinking, Whether I change or not doesnt really make a big difference to me, so why do I need to take on this additional problem? Especially if they are just employed executives with no skin in the game. Or maybe they just think that they have the budget to burn and can afford it. After all, its an established brand with strong capital. (Personally, I think thats still no excuse to run sloppy ads and burn money like that. Most likely its just due to lack of marketing knowledge and skills... which is a little ironic as theyre kinda known for more entrepreneurial grads). Whatever they were thinking, it led them to still take the same action: Running the same type of under-performing ads. Obviously, they will be getting the same kind of under-performing results. IN CONTRAST... A couple of brands in the similar private education industry got to know about my advertising methodology and decided to attend my copywriting workshop. During the workshop itself, they immediately changed their ads and marketing materials based on my framework and step-by-step techniques. One of the well-known brands (K) started to implement my techniques in their email marketing. RESULT for (K): They almost doubled their leads via email marketing alone and REDUCED advertising costs significantly. The marketing department was so shocked because they usually ran ads and had significantly lesser leads. Pretty awesome right? Reduced costs AND doubled results. The average business will be ecstatic with that kind of results. Wait till you read about the results the other brand got... The other brand (A) that attended my copywriting workshop, immediately overhauled their ads. My workshop ended on Sunday. On Tuesday they ran their new ads that they had created based on my techniques. Results immediately jumped and just after 1 day they were hitting record highs. RESULT for (A): They dropped their ad costs drastically by 97.2%! But thats not all. They increased their lead number by a whooping 700% per week! Let me repeat that: Dropped costs by 97.2% AND multiplied leads by 700%! That means theyre using only 2.8% of their old budget to get 700% more leads... Imagine that happening in your business. Beliefs -> Attitude -> Actions -> Results They believed that they needed to improve and that they could improve their results. So they had a positive attitude towards learning the right techniques and methodologies to upgrade their skill. By doing that, they changed & improved their actions by improving their ads and marketing campaigns. The result is obvious... their leads and sales jumped! It is that simple. Cause and effect. Action and consequence. Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs and business owners have severely limiting beliefs like: - I dont need that... - I dont have the time to learn that... - I dont have the budget to learn that... - I dont want to invest to train my staff in that... - I think its not urgent... (whats more urgent than sales-getting activities?) - My marketing staff should know about this, right? Or maybe its the classic: I think its really great and I think I will benefit from it but... (insert any excuse) You probably recognise some of those... maybe youre even using a few of those to justify to yourself for not getting the results you want and deserve. Those thoughts and their likes will give you one result: The same thing youve been getting all along. If you change nothing, your results wont change. Period. So by CHOOSING to think that way and ALLOWING yourself to let those limiting beliefs to stop you, youre essentially CHOOSING a path... a destiny... more of the same results youve been getting. If youre happy with that, its fine. But if youre not, if you think you should get more... can get more... deserve to get more... then YOU MUST CHANGE your beliefs, attitude, actions. Only then, will you get different results. Whats even worse is... Business owners expect their marketing staff to perform well... BUT they DONT EQUIP OR GIVE THEM THE RIGHT KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES to do their job well. Most marketing people are just thrown into their role to figure things out themselves. Its no surprise they produce extremely under-performing work. Its because both owners and marketing executives / managers DONT have the right skills and expertise... but they think they do / theyre unwilling to learn the necessary knowledge. So to a large extent, its not the marketing executives fault. That responsibility lies with the business owner - to provide their team with the expertise and skill set they need to perform their work well. The first thing that happens when a new member joins my team is: they get trained. This is crucial because... Like how fire needs oxygen to burn, talents need the right education, knowledge, skill training to flourish. If youre not providing them that, youre essentially making a choice... Youre choosing the same lousy results over better improvements. Youre choosing stagnation over investing for long-term massive gain. Youre choosing decline over growth. Right now, youre making that choice. Youre making a decision about the future of your business. Your future. One year from now, three years from now, five years from now... the time will come. The question is where will you be... if you remain where you are, and not changing? PS. If youre interested to upgrade your skills or your teams skills, youll find the copywriting video that Im working on very insightful and enlightening. Im revealing a few very powerful strategies in it. You can get it free when its ready here:
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 11:50:36 +0000

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