Believe It Or Not! I have accepted the hospitality of my friend - TopicsExpress


Believe It Or Not! I have accepted the hospitality of my friend Dorothy for some months waiting to find a reasonable accommodation. We often go out window shopping. My daughter Sonia who has just moved from New York to N.Carolina is also looking for a job. She is helping me with all the paper work essential for me to reside here. Disappointing visits to the Social Security Office, long waits and then being called to a window, and you get the impression that the person who is supposed to help you makes a declaration and fails to explain the reason. Suffering my frustration, she takes me shopping; the store KOHL has a after Christmas sale. I am badly in need of a pocket book. There are all designs and makes, but I do not want to exceed my budget, which is nearly wiped out. After going around in several circles and a zig zag path, I select a bag. Sonia asks me, Mama are you sure about your choice? Of course I am sure. I reply. She goes to the cash register, makes the payment and we head home. I remove the papers with which the pocket book is stuffed, and transfer my personal effects from my old bag to my new one. The bag gets so stuffed that it looks pregnant. I hang it on my shoulder and stand in front of the mirror, It looks ok, but before my eyes dangles another bag that I had liked, which was a few dollars more. I should have bought that, knowing my nature. With me it is always love at first sight. If for any reason or under pressure from someone I buy something, I either return it or push it at the back of my closet. Sonia, who has been blessed with the habit of not complaining, takes me back and I buy my first choice. A few days pass and I write to my cousin and look for my address book. Search my bag, look under the bed, empty and re empty the desk drawers, but there is no sign. I have no ones tel. no. or address. day and night I search, and my friend Dorothy and Sonia help me. I finally realize that in the process of taking out my wallet I must have dropped it. It also had the soft plastic cover. My social life which is confined to telephone conversations and letter writing has thus ended. I feel lost and empty, but every now and then I search for my telephone book. and I keep praying that if and when I find it, I will offer 2 nafals, Oh Mighty Allah. As I was sitting this evening, putting together a pedestal fan that I bought, the telephone rang. An unfamiliar voice at the other end asked, Are you Khalida? My heard dipped into the pit of my stomach, drumming as loud as it could. Yes, may I know who is calling? I am Carol. Did you lose your telephone book? Yes. I found it. I looked at all the addresses and selected the one near me, and spoke to your friend Dorothy. I cant believe my ears, Carol. Is it really true? Yes, she says in a very pleasant voice. Should I mail it or bring it over? I would love to see you. Why do you not come over. I will be there at 1.30. She replies. Why dont you come at 12 and have lunch with me. Nothing special. I hope you can tolerate spicy food. Yes I can. I am retired. Can my husband come too? Why not? the more the merrier. Bye. See you tomorrow. I started organizing the Living Room, because Sunday is my cleaning day. The phone rang, It is Carol. I am getting to be like you. My husband reminded me that we are busy tomorrow. Will Monday be allright? Sure, why not? I am looking forward to meeting you. My thoughts were with my dear Abba Ji, who always reminded me, Have Faith in Allah, and never give up Hope. How right he was! I most probably left the book in the bag when I emptied it. Miracles! I always wait for One.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 02:06:43 +0000

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