Believe in yourself as a product of God God never made anything - TopicsExpress


Believe in yourself as a product of God God never made anything that failed! Kings dont look for a Job, Jobs look for them. Stop looking for Job, ask Jobs to look for you All these good things that the gentiles seek after, to you a child of God they gravitates towards you. When you become excellent, when you have solution, men will sought for you! Be a solution provider! Anybody will pay you anything for a solution. Question: WHAT DO YOU HAVE? Money pursues a man that is Solution oriented. Stop chasing money. A wealthy man brings forth money. SAY Money is meeting another money in my account. I will never be broke any day of my life. All my needs are met. I live in the surplus! Even if you dont have enough to get something done, you will get it for free. SAY What the world needs I have. Praise God! Are you aware, Fame will follow someone who has solution? Stop using your faith to get small things. Use it to get solution, that ten years from now, someone wants it. God has placed eternity in our heart. There is nothing we can not produce! The visions God gives you will be solution oriented, when you meditate on success. The Holy Ghost becomes your partner when your mind has become a solution center. WHAT CAN YOU PRODUCE? The world is not after your certificate! What can you DO? Be the man who without him they can do nothing! SAY I give birth to opportunity by myself! I AM A SOLUTION by MYSELF! I AM A TRENDY SOLUTION to my WORLD! The world needs people who are PRODUCING results for TODAY and the FUTURE not for the pAST. In the world we live today, many people who didnt go beyond secondary school, they employ professionals. Its not in the degree or certificate. Its not by mighty nor by power, its not by beauty or by handsomeness. Its not by eloquence, its by the SPIRIT of God. CREATE a SOLUTION. STAY RELEVANT. TRUE SUCCESS is FINDING a NEED and Meeting IT. That problem you keep seeing might just be the OPPORTUNITY, have you thought of creating a SOLUTION? Say I AM SOLUTION to my World, the answer to the cry of my generation because I CAME, CHANGE has COME! Glory to GOD!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 03:26:07 +0000

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