Believe the Love * You can watch the video version of this - TopicsExpress


Believe the Love * You can watch the video version of this message at https://new.livestream/rickpina/live/videos/67311753. Read Genesis 43:15-30 This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”, by continuing in the story of Joseph. Jacob sent the boys to Egypt with gifts, money, and Benjamin. When they arrived in Egypt they were brought before Joseph. 11 of the 12 brothers were together. The first thing Joseph noticed was Benjamin. His little brother -- the brother he loved and the brother who loved him -- was finally in his presence. By this point it had been 22 years since they had been apart. Joseph maintained his composure and directed his men to take the Israelites to his personal home and for a meal to be prepared for them. While this was going on, remember that Simeon was still being held hostage. The brothers were confused as to why they were being treated so well. This is where I feel led to point out the fact that there are many similarities between Joseph and Jesus. The brothers came to Joseph with guilt and shame, but Joseph received them as forgiven family members. Instead of condemning them for what they had done, he ordered a meal to be prepared. We will also have a meal with Jesus some day, it’s called “The marriage supper of the Lamb” (Rev. 19:9). The brothers were taken to Joseph’s palace, but they were still anxious. They did not understand why they were being treated so well. They thought it was some sort of trap. They took the opportunity to explain to Joseph’s steward that the first time they visited Egypt to purchase food they somehow left with their money in their bags. They assured him that they brought a double portion of the money this time, but Joseph’s steward said, “Everything’s in order. Don’t worry. Your God and the God of your father must have put the money there. I was paid in full.” Now they were really confused. They thought they were being punished for what they had done to Joseph 20 years earlier, but things kept working out for their good. Then, to make good things even better, Simeon was returned to them. All 11 brothers were made comfortable and there donkeys were tended to. The brothers spread out their gifts and waited for Joseph. They were prepared to “pay” the Egyptian sultan all they had. Joseph showed up, they presented their gifts, and they bowed respectfully before him. Joseph welcomed them, ignored their gifts, and asked about their father. As Joseph looked around he realized all 12 brothers were finally reunited after 22 years. As he looked at Benjamin his heart boiled over and he could not take it any more. Joseph rushed out of the room and into his private chamber where he cried deeply and uncontrollably. Not because he was upset with the brothers, but because he loved them so much. So what does this mean to you today? Two things: 1. We sometimes come to God like Joseph’s brothers came to him. The brothers did not know what was going on. They came as guilty men. They knew they were guilty before God for what they had done to Joseph as a boy. They thought they would be accused of being guilty before the sultan for leaving without paying for the food on their first trip to Egypt. They laid out their money and bowed down before the Egyptian sultan in an attempt to receive mercy. They never knew that the man they were bowing down before actually loved them and had already forgiven them. He loved them so much that he burst into tears. This is how it is when you come to God. You come guilty and your guilt makes you attempt to “pay” for your sin. You want to do “things” to make up for what you have done, but there is nothing you can do to pay for sin. Jesus already paid the price. You bow before Him as a guilty foreigner, but he receives you in love as a forgiven brother from the same Father. 2. God receives us like Joseph received his brothers -- with a humanly unbelievable love. a) It is always right to repent and come before God as a broken and humble vessel. But you must also believe that He will accept you, forgive you, and invite you to sup with Him. b) God blesses you simply because He loves you. Once you truly believe His love you will be changed forever. c) The Apostle John said, “So we know the love that God has for us, and we trust that love” (1 John 4:16 ERV). The King James Version says that we “believe the love”. My question for you is: do you? Do you trust God’s love? Do you believe He loves you with an everlasting love? Do you believe you did nothing to get Him to start loving you and there is nothing you can do to make Him stop? d) If you believe and trust God’s love it will change the way you see God, the way you see yourself, the way you treat others, and the way you approach life. Closing Confession: Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith. Thank You for loving me with an everlasting love. Your tireless pursuit of me is amazing to me. You loved me before I was born. You loved me while I was living contrary to Your Word and Your will. You sent people to me, over and over, to share Your love with me, even when I openly rejected You time and time again. You never gave up on me and I am now learning that You never will. I come to you broken, with my head down, knowing I am guilty, and You freely receive me as a forgiven son. You choose to bless me richly by Your unearned by grace and I simply access Your grace with my faith. But even when my faith falters, or even fails, Your grace never fails, because Your love is unwavering towards me. The more I study Your grace and the more I understand Your love, the more it changes my opinion of You. There was a time when I was afraid of You, Father. When I did wrong I thought you were out to get me. But I now realize how foolish I was. If you wanted to get me, I would have been destroyed a long time ago. You chased me down, but not to hurt me. You chased me down to bless me, because You love me. So Father, I know I am supposed to live by faith and I declare that I will. I live my life by faith and my faith is rooted and grounded in Your love towards me. My faith is strong, because I know You love me. My confidence is fearless and unwavering, because I am convinced that You love me. My outlook is bright, and the expectation I have for my future is extremely high, because I know You love me and I know You will bless me by Your underserved grace. All I can do is believe Your love, receive Your love, accept Your blessing by grace, and pursue it by faith. I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen. This is Today’s Word! Apply it and Prosper.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 11:55:34 +0000

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