Believers who have decided to make God’s truth the foundation of - TopicsExpress


Believers who have decided to make God’s truth the foundation of their life need a place to start building. First, identify a point of need—some area that requires attention, like financial stewardship. Then search the Bible’s concordance for verses related to that topic. The passages on the subject will form a blueprint of what a believer’s life should look like. There is no real consolation in our spiritual struggles unless we enter into them understanding that whatever sacrifice may be required of us serves a higher purpose than can be known by the parts of us thus summoned; and to that Timeless end -- and for it alone -- do we give ourselves, agreeing to surrender ourselves to a Love greater than our own seek ye first the kingdom of heaven... and all these things shall be added unto you, means somehow if we do this or we do that, were going to get rich, lose weight, that something good will happen to us if we just do what everyone says we should do to be a good Christian. In reality, what that passage says has nothing whatsoever to do with acquiring anything. Not one thing. All things shall be added unto you, means that we are given everything when we no longer serve our own desires. The Holy Spirit provides the construction material. Using His guidance, strength, and wisdom, install new truths in your life by practicing what you read. Let’s again look at examples from the topic of stewardship: Matthew 6:24 teaches that we can’t serve both God and money, so attitudes must change. And since a borrower is the lender’s servant (Prov. 22:7), spending on credit should be carefully evaluated. That’s how new ways of thinking will replace faulty ideas. Weve been taught growing up that we complete ourselves through acquisition... of possessions, position, approval. The bitter fruit of humans trying to acquire what they believe essential to their well-being has resulted in a world of desperate and dangerous people who dont know what to do with their lives because they dont know what it means to be in relationship with what is Good. When you know what it means to be in relationship with Goodness, you never feel bad. Unhappiness, anger, fear -- negative states -- cannot make a home in you when you know what it means to be in relationship with Goodness. These are not pie in the sky words. They represent practical, down-to-earth spiritual work, so that there is no mistaking the difference between wanting to feel good about where we are and what we have versus being in the Goodness that is always where we are and allowing it to live our lives for us as we are there. It is a good idea to note—literally—the results of our obedience to God’s instructions. Journaling about His provision and the growth of our faith will inspire us to continue adding to our foundation of truth. That means choosing new areas to remodel according to God’s blueprint.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 11:57:47 +0000

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