Beloved, Hope you’ll take a minute and look over the - TopicsExpress


Beloved, Hope you’ll take a minute and look over the information below. Our once a month Fellowship hosted by the married couples of LBFM have been a part of our ministry since day one. While the couples host the fellowship, it by no means indicate that married people with spouses are the only ones invited. If you’re born again, then you’re married to the Lord Yeshua. So you have someone to please. It is my prayer that everyone will change their mind about the Fellowship and make it their point to start coming out on the 1st Sunday of each month at 5pm to the gathering. You can always learn something from other people. We can learn things from you. Married, single, divorced, going through a divorce, separated, shacking up, not even interested in marriage, or just not sure…your presence is welcomed... so plan to be there. Ive discovered that the fellowships are actually FREE RELATOINSHIP PSYCHOLOGY, because somewhere right now, theres someone lying on a sofa listening to a Psychologist, whos charging them $250.00 an hour, telling them why they need to come back to see him again next week. (Child care service is always provided.) “Learning to Fall Forward” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 4 Charity suffereth long , and is kind ; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself , is not puffed up , 5 Doth not behave itself unseemly , seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked , thinketh no evil;6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. 1. Falls are inevitable. We can’t control them, but we can control the direction in which we fall forward or away from our spouse. 2. In all marriages, obstacles arise, anger flares up, and weariness dulls our feelings and senses. When this happens, the spiritually immature respond by pulling back, becoming more distant from their spouse, or even seeking to start over with somebody, “more exciting.” 3. Maturity is reached by continuing to move forward past the pain and apathy. 4. Even in the moments of anger, betrayal, exasperation, and hurt, we are called to pursue our spouse, to embrace them, and to grow toward them, to let our love redefine our feelings of disinterest, frustration, and even hate. 5. When conflict arises and is overcome, the couple has had to move toward each other. They “fallen forward, “ sought resolution and in the process built an urgent hunger for each other. 6. Glossing over disagreements and sinful attitudes and behaviors isn’t fellowship; it’s polite pretending. True fellowship insists that we fall forward. 7. Getting married is agreeing to grow together, into each other, to virtually commingle our souls so that we share a unique and rare bond. When we stop doing that, we have committed fraud against our partner; we made a commitment that we’re not willing to live up to. 8. When you entered this relationship of marriage, you committed to keep moving toward your spouse. Any step back, any pause, any retreat, is an act of fraud. Learn to move toward the person God has given to you for the purpose of teaching you how to love. 9. No matter how lovely a young woman, no matter how smooth a young man, eventually the human flaws will appear. 10. The challenge is not to keep on loving the person we thought we were marrying, but to love the person we did marry. 11. A mature husband and wife can grow leaps and bounds spiritually as they learn to compromise and move toward the other. 12. But it is often the case that one spouse doesn’t care about spiritual growth; they may be fully consumed with their own desires and sense of need. While such a situation may result in the less satisfying and less happy marriage, it can still provide the context for Christian growth. 13. Couples who place their relationship in high –priority position have the greatest potential for achieving what they want out of marriage. Those who do not have a lesser potential. 14. A Christian is never solely dependent on the response of others to grow spiritually. It is our own heart’s decision that matters. 15. When I refuse to fall forward and begin withholding myself, I am saying in effect, “I will no longer be married to you on a spiritual level. 16. In this fallen world, struggles, sin, and unfaithfulness are a given. The only question is whether our response to these struggles will draw us closer to God – or whether it will estrange us from ourselves, our Creator, and each other. *Fall toward your spouse, not away from him / her.*
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 13:48:44 +0000

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