Beloved Peace David Christopher Lewis July 24, 2014 8:16-8:34 am - TopicsExpress


Beloved Peace David Christopher Lewis July 24, 2014 8:16-8:34 am MDT Livingston, Montana Blessed ones, From Hawaii’s shores we come to infuse the light of peace where you are, the light that engenders and allows you to feel a sense of inner beingness, a greater depth and height of presence, a more connected and radiant experience with your divine self, whereby the light fully resides where you are. And the eternal Now is accessed from within your heart and accentuated by your mind, your vision and your soul. Yes, we are Peace and Aloha. And we know that many of you, having witnessed what is occurring in the Middle East, in the Ukraine and Russia and Eastern Europe and in other locales around the world, have sought ways and means of giving of yourself to alleviate pain and sorrow and that which would move some into a matrix of war and greater division and strife. We come because of the prayers of many around the world, including those who are directly being affected and impacted by the engines of war and all of the divisive elements that manifest through a lack of understanding, of patience and of that which endears brother to brother, sister to sister within the eternal life-presence of God’s eternal family. Blessed ones, to truly know yourself, you must know others. For the God-light within them is the same God-light that exists deep within your heart. And if you cannot reconcile that which you observe through outer vision as being different or anomalous to yourself, then blessed ones, go deeper and access the eternality and the all-inclusiveness and universality of the God-light as the flame of picture perfect peace and presence. When you understand the dynamics of true Brotherhood, then we will come to augment that energy, that feeling of divinity within you. And then expand that radiant field into greater areas of the globe to express that which will directly impact all that is directly resulting in conflict and in brother offending and fighting brother in many realms. In this hour we send waves of peace throughout the earth. And these wave patterns employ certain cosmic impulses of elohimic light and presence, to bestow upon all a new sense that love is the key to resolve all that separates and brings a continuing conflict, which always originates within the self, blessed ones, first. As we observe it from our realms, if each and every lifestream could fully access the God-light within and feel an inner sense of peace and acquiesce only to the divine, that harmonizes all in a field of beauty, beingness and benevolence, then there would be no outer circumstance that would result in attempts to control, to dominate or to have others submit to what one perceives as the only course of action or the only way out of division. Yes, blessed ones, the conflict always arises from within the individual first and multiplied many times over through a mindset, brought on by a sense of separateness from God and from one’s brothers and sisters. Schisms result and true brother/sisterhood dissolves in a miasma of a lack of unity, wholeness and love. Therefore, peace now flows throughout the world. And as Jesus the Christ stands over the Holy Land with beloved Nada, Magda and legions of Peace, there is directed into every area of conflict, especially in Gaza, in Lebanon, in Israel, in Syria and throughout the entire regions, divine missiles of love, compassion, and understanding. And these break through those age old senses of difference and separation to unite and to bring new levels of communication and the power of the Presence to restore and resolve all in a unity field of beingness. O, legions of Micah and Unity, circle ‘round about now the Middle East and blaze forth your light frequencies to assist every lifestream who feels the need to oppose another in an aura of peace, equanimity and a new, almost surreal and magical and alchemical quiescent field of inner joy, radiance and divine stability. O, Micah, perform divine magic now through your legions and allow there to be a new infusion of divine grace there and everywhere where people do not see eye to eye because they are not focused upon the All-Seeing Eye of the one God, who loves all equally. And who bestows upon all his children loving intent, creativity and blessedness. O, graceful ones, as you are peaceful within your own Presence, as you access through your Solar Plexus, great solar joy through your givingness and through a still state of being within the Great Silence within your heart, there we are, there we abide and there the divine light manifests in a greater brilliance for you to then emanate and expand this lovefield where you choose to focus it in the Now. We create direct links between the hearts of the Elohim with the hearts of certain initiates, disciples who are accelerating on their path of adeptship, whereby their hearts may be vessels of peace where they walk. And where they choose to soar in Spirit to perform alchemical feats of loving compassion for all life. You may be one of these in moments of deep reflection and meditation upon planetary peace, blessed ones, as God through your hearts, bestows the radiance and the graces of divine joy and understanding. Now, these wave patterns wash and cleanse and transmute and uplift and support everyone who is making an effort to prevent greater calamity, destruction and loss of life. Let the voices of the Sons and Daughters of God, who see beyond duality be heard, be honored. And let many come into a new level of self-realization to access the divine currents that will lead to divine solutions to all conflict, war and a breakdown of society and civilization, as a whole. Blessed ones, if you in deep inner prayer and even for a few moments throughout your day access the light of elohimic peace, we can restore this radiant field of divine joy and beingness in many areas, as you choose to work with us. And to expand Jesus’s mission with Kuthumi and the Master Omraam, as World Teachers, to show the way, the truth and the light and life to thousands and millions across our globe. Now, we breathe the breath of peace upon all and infuse the earth with this radiance of God’s divine joy. Be at peace within yourself and know the eternality and grace of the Father/Mother God who loves all as cherished babes of beauty and perfection. Thank you, blessed ones, for honoring us with your attention, with your love-light and with your heartscenteredness and inner joy. We thank you. Copyright © 2014 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. We encourage you to share these messages with heartfriends throughout the world. With the approval of the messenger and/or the master, some of the spoken words may have been changed, or new words added, to provide greater clarity in the written word. Short excerpts may be quoted as long as full credit is given to the author. Contact us at Correspondence and contributions may be sent to P.O. Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047 USA.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 19:26:15 +0000

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