Beloved, let us love one another, for love is God; and everyone - TopicsExpress


Beloved, let us love one another, for love is God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows Hod. 1John 4:7 In the times we live in now, love for people who are different, is one challenge I see brought up in media, on the news, and my own backyard. This is hard for me to grasp. My mother taught me as a young child to love everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs, color, heritage, or physical disabilities. While living in California, that was easy to do. It was so diverse there, that as a child I really never realized any differences in people. In fact, we as a family had friends who were deaf, and of different religious backgrounds, and cultures. Did it matter? No not at all. We are all people. As I grew up, we moves to Arkansas, a very small town in Arkansas. When I realized that the town was not diverse, and there were not very many ethnic groups there I began to wonder why. Then i realized that, in some place in the South, it was like that. I did not like how our small town did not have any African Americans, not very many Hispanics, or religions. Then when I moved here to the Jonesboro area, I realized in my own way,,exactly why my mother taught us to love everyone. Jonesboro is a very diverse area. We have people with different religious, different heritages, different SES classes, and yet there is one common bond, weather they recognize it or not, we are all Gods children. Sure we might believe different than what the Holy word of God teaches, but that is what a tire disciple of God is to learn about. How to draw these individuals to know, love, and accept the one true God. How to ask him for forgiveness, so that we can spend eternity in heaven. If as a child of God , we fail to know God, fail to learn how to overcome obstacles, in order to tell the good news of Jesus and his love, and fail to understand those we share the gospel with, we are not doing our job. In a society where different religious groups are found, I feel it is important to understand their amores, and to understand their culture. In doing this, (in my opinion), we create a means of understanding, even when sharing the gospel. It is also important to love even if we do not agree. To love is of God, 1John 6:44 Remember in Sunday school the song, Jesus loved the little children, ALL the children of the world, Red,Yellow, Black, or White, we are all children in his site, Jesus loves the little children. Nothing matters, as long as we get to a place, where we can put our hearts out there and say, Father, save me. I am a sinner in need of a savior, please forgive me of my sins, I want to know you more.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 10:37:38 +0000

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