Beloved, so saith the Lord!!! How can you say you love me whom - TopicsExpress


Beloved, so saith the Lord!!! How can you say you love me whom youve never saw, but love not your brother whom you see everyday. Now we often point fingers, listen to idle gossip, and worry about what others think and say about us, without realizing that the enemy uses these gimmicks as tools to distract us from the truth which is. We often point fingers to avoid detection of what we ourselves are doing and accuse others so that we can feel self righteous in our own wrongs. We listen to gossip and often add our comments beating up on others to keep self and others, from beating up on us. Yes we pay careful attention to how we act and look in front of others so that we gain favor in their eyes as they speak highly of us to others. But all of this is vanity for none of it can add another day to your life. For only one life will soon be past but only whats done for Christ will last. And You Best Believe GOD Doesnt Care What Others Say . He Cares Not Whats In Your Pockets, All That Matters Is What In Your Heart. And thats real talk
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 14:37:57 +0000

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