Beloved, that VALLEY youre GOING THROUGH is not your HOMING place, - TopicsExpress


Beloved, that VALLEY youre GOING THROUGH is not your HOMING place, but your HONING place. The ISOLATION youre feeling is for your CONSECRATION DRAWING you CLOSER to HIM. It may seem HE is FAR but HE is NEAR. This SEASON is not designed to DESTROY, but DEVELOP you. It is not intended to make you QUIT, but TEACH you how to PERSIST. But do be advised there is STRIPPING for the purpose of EQUIPPING. You are being TRAINED to CEASE from your own EFFORTS and PLANS that you may LEARN to DESIRE, DEPEND, and OPERATE in Gods EMPOWERMENT for Gods PURPOSES. Your VISION is being CORRECTED that you PICTURE life from HIS PERSPECTIVE. You are being WEANED from you that you may WALK daily in HIM, for HIM. Youre being MADE HUNGRY that you may LEARN to SEEK HIS PRESENCE and FEED on HIS WORD and be FULFILLED. FOCUS LESS on what it LOOKS and FEELS like and be MORE ATTENTIVE to LEARNING the LESSONS HE set before you and PERFORMING the MISSION HE ASSIGNED you. As HE, with your SUBMISSIVE COOPERATION, MATURES you into the person HE DESIRES you BE. #GoThrough #ItsAProcess #InHIM4HIM #ItAINTsupposedtobeEASY #HEiscarryingYou
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 22:15:59 +0000

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