Below are the General Instructions for the Scavenger Hunt The - TopicsExpress


Below are the General Instructions for the Scavenger Hunt The Discover America Scavenger Hunt 2013 – General Instructions Objective: To find and photograph as many of the items (places, persons or things) that you can within the time allotted for the hunt. The items will have a point value assigned to them and teams will want to accumulate the highest point total. Method: Pictures of the place, person(s), or things must be taken and sent to this email address. ScavHuntWNY@aol The photos should be sent ASAP so that we can score them throughout the hunt time period. The Photo must clearly show the hunt list item and also contain all members of your team and the team identification sign. Photos must be taken by a stranger. You cannot have a second car of friends going along with you assisting with photo taking. Photos cannot be taken by anyone of your team’s immediate family. Only one item photo can be taken by a stranger who then automatically becomes a member of your family. Team members may not take photos for other teams. The hunt item must be identified in the subject matter of your photo email. The identification must include the quadrant number and the item number. All team members need to stay with their team at all times. You may not split up to “divide” scavenger hunt tasks. Each picture may count for only one Hunt item. No combining of two items into one photo. Scoring: You will be given lists of scavenger hunts items that you must find. These items will each have a point value assigned. Take a proper photo as stated in the methods and submit it to the Hunt organizers through email. Your photos will be reviewed and points awarded accordingly. Penalties: Photos submitted without all team members in it will be rejected. Photos without the team identification sign in it will be rejected. Photos submitted without the item number identification provided in the subject line, will be rejected. If your team is found to be using a second crew of people for photo taking or ‘scouting’ it will be grounds for disqualification. No photo doctoring using any type of software. You must take a photo of the actual item. For example, taking a photo of an overhead bridge must actually be taken at the bridge and not a photo of such a bridge within your submitted photo. Doing anything like this is grounds for disqualification. No collaboration with other teams. You are not allowed to communicate, via any means, with other teams to give them assistance with the Hunt. This provision is simply a fairness issue and we want everyone to play fair. You are allowed to provide ‘emergency’ assistance if the situation arises. The organizers reserve the right to disqualify any team that violates fairness. The Map: You will be provided with a map. It will have a highlighted boundary for the Hunt. Furthermore, the area will be divided into 4 quadrants. You clue lists will correspond to these quadrants. It will help you to decide in which areas to concentrate your efforts. Items given in a quadrant list will be able to be found within it but some items may be able to be found in other quadrants as well. There will be a 5th list of general items that may be found anywhere. Team Identification and Identification Sign: Your team can prepare its own team sign and bring it to the start. It must be able to be read easily within your photos. The sign should read “Team n” where n is your team number. You can also have a team name that can be part of your sign. That’s up to you. We will accept that information at registration and include it with your teams other identification information. We will have some materials at registration for you to prepare a team sign so you may make one if you don’t bring one. A team photo will be taken at registration by the organizers for their use in scoring a team’s photo submissions. Do’s: Obey all traffic laws and all other laws. Wear your seat belts while traveling. Be wary of traffic and be very careful when you are taking photos along the road. Respect all people and private property. You should ask permission to take photos in some instances. Be polite and not rude. Be kind and respectful to strangers, your teammates, other teams and the organizers. Play fair and have fun. Don’ts: Do not speed, block roads or driveways.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 17:46:05 +0000

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