Below is Graces big update and a video that shes put together on - TopicsExpress


Below is Graces big update and a video that shes put together on her journey to this point. When she told me she made a video I thought, What? You hate to be in front of a camera? :) I should have known she would find a way to be in every frame and still be true to herself. :). I am so, so proud of this girl. From Grace- There is an intricate balancing act that occurs when learning how to be strong, yet vulnerable at the same time. You must be strong enough to love the world knowing it contains pain and hardship, and yet vulnerable enough to love the people of the world. Because in loving the world you will have to fight for them. Fight for justice, fight for what you believe in, and fight for those unable to fight for themselves. And as you are putting on your armor and discovering your own strength, you come to the point that you realize the greatest strength one can achieve lies in the discovery of fully understanding it is only Gods strength that is enough. Your own strength is incomplete to prepare you to have children of different races climb into your lap and play with your hair as you fall more and more in love with their beautiful hearts; as your tough and strong hands hold the beautifully wrinkled and aged hands of a woman four times your age as she walks you around her village; or as you find yourself washing little dirty feet before they lay down to rest in their mosquito net, if they are fortunate enough to have one- and in that instant your heartbreaks for children with no net, no protection, and no hand to hold. It takes Gods strength to give away a chunk of your heart to a girl your own age because you held her in your arms as she wept like a child because of a pain that she just shared with you, to let your heart break for the lost, and for the people who can’t seem to find their way, to see firsthand the cruelty that comes with the injustices of this world. But His strength is there and on it you may find yourself holding a new born baby perfectly at rest in your arms as she sweetly makes you not so big and tough anymore. In this amazing journey that you embark on, you will often end up with tears in your eyes for how overjoyed you are to be putting your heart out on the line for the things that you believe in. Through it all, you will find yourself laughing with people who now call you family, and dance with your family to tribal songs in mother tongues. And inside you grows this deep adoration and deep love for the place that your heart is called to-a call so deep that you will sacrifice anything for it. So deep that you will cross oceans just to get to the place that speaks to your soul, a place I call Papua New Guinea. How beautiful is life when you get to love people selflessly, and be loved by them in return. Because when you put yourself in other people’s shoes, your feet will carry your heart to amazing places.... And along the path of which you walk, you will meet amazing people who are all searching to find their purpose in this crazy thing we call life… As I run the final stretch of this amazing 5 month mission that has molded and shaped me more and more into the woman I was always intended to be, I am constantly reminded of the many people who have supported me through this. I have a deep rooted gratitude for everyone who has contributed in any way to make all of the impossible possible. It was just a dream of my heart; but now, because of you, it is a reality. Each one of you reading this is a part of the bigger picture, which we are accomplishing together. It is proven true that it takes an army, and I am thankful to have the best army behind me and supporting me as I move forward. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I will be making my way back to Papua New Guinea in October to a village called Lokea, located in the east of the Gulf Province. In obedience to the call of my heart, I am stepping out in boldness to bring hope and light to Lokea. I will be going back for my brothers and sisters who have stated that they too want to step out of the “norm” and do the same. I am going back for the youth that are so desperate and eager to know more. For the ones who have said they want to know what it looks like to live their life out in faith. I will be building relationships with the village, as well as expanding on the relationships that have already been established from our staying there. So many things have been laid on my heart for Lokea, and I am looking forward to being back and continuing my work and mentorship there. I am currently in the process of raising $900 to cover my plane tickets there and back, and other necessary things. I am believing for these things to come through by October 1st so I can be on a plane for PNG on the 3rd. I will be staying with a reverend and his wife who traveled with our team when we were there in July. They will be picking me up from the airport and keeping me in their care in Port Moresby. Then on the 5th, some of my family from Lokea will be traveling up to meet us in Moresby. From there on the 7th or 8th we will be making our way all together down to Lokea. I will be living with my adopted family Joe and Hiveta HaroHaro and their 8 kids, then will be returning back to Australia. If you want to know more details, or how you can partner with me please email me at grace.powell@aol and I would love to talk more in depth with you and answer any questions!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 04:52:25 +0000

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