Below is a letter to and from Measurements Canada about the expiry - TopicsExpress


Below is a letter to and from Measurements Canada about the expiry date that Hydro is saying Meas. Canada is forcing on us. Attached is the letter referred to by the member in his letter. I made some comments in brackets () Letters: From: Smart Meters [mailto:SmartMeters@bchydro] Sent: December-29-14 11:59 AM To: Subject: BC Hydro Smart Metering Program Dear Thank you for contacting the BC Hydro Smart Metering Program. BC Hydro is not recertifying old meters. This policy decision was made because: · There are too few old meters left to practically meet Measurement Canada’s sampling requirements. Each group of meters is randomly sampled, and the specific meter selected through the random sample process must be tested. If a meter already removed from service was selected for testing, all the meters in that group would fail automatically and would have to be removed from service. This process would dramatically reduce the inventory of legacy meters that BC Hydro has. · Measurement Canada accuracy requirements have become more stringent since the introduction of new metering technology. As a result, even if it were possible to obtain an appropriate random sample, the likelihood of an old meter passing the more stringent accuracy requirements is very low. I asked MC if this were true, and I was told it wasn’t. MC told me that Hydro could use any type of meter they want. I would like to know what more stringent accuracy requirements Hydro is talking about. Given that the smeters are running fast, risk interference from other RF devices, have not been tested with regards to these possible problems, how can Hydro say this? · Sampling and testing meters is a costly process and those costs would have to be borne by the customers requesting the accommodation, rather than being passed on to all customers. (I would pay. What is the cost?) BC Hydro is required to remove from service all meters with seals that have already expired or will be expiring by December 31, 2014. Meter exchanges will be done in the next few months when resources are available. ( Required by whom? As you pointed on, MC offered to extend the time for this for another year or two given that we have successfully delayed the end date for implementation of the program by more than 2 years !! ;-) According to the terms of service outlined in BC Hydro’s Electric Tariff, customers must provide clear, unobstructed access to BC Hydro’s equipment. BC Hydro will provide advance notice to customers that the meter at their property will be exchanged. If a customer denies or obstructs access to a BC Hydro meter, then BC Hydro will add the failed installation charge to their bill. This charge ensures the expense of sending a crew to the property is recovered from the customer who prevents access, rather than all customers. (People are not being given dates and neither are installers coming to the door announcing themselves as Hydro promised. There is no proof anyone came – in many instances the people were home and there was nothing more than a sign beside the analog saying “ no smart meter” How does this obstruct?) If you have any further questions or concerns about BC Hydro’s Meter Choices Program, please contact BC Hydros Smart Metering Specialist Team at 1 800 409 8199. Additional information about BC Hydro’s Smart Metering Program can be found at bchydro/smartmeters. Sincerely, Michael BC Hydro Smart Metering Specialist Team Smart Metering Program E-mail: smartmeters@bchydro Phone: 1 800 409 8199 _________________________ From: Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 7:03 PM To: Smart Meters Subject: Attn: Marc Without Prejudice Hello Marc: Further to our phone discussion this afternoon about the alleged failed installation (x2) at my home on or about 21 July, 2014, please find attached a letter from Measurement Canada which clearly states their willingness to re-verify expired analogue meters still in use in B.C. beyond the end of 2014. The letter I received from Mr. Reimer of B.C. Hydro, dated 29 April, 2014, stated that my meter(s) must be exchanged. It would seem Mr. Reimer was being less than forthright with me, and other BC customers, when he made that statement. Sadly, this manner of behaviour by BC Hydro has been repeated many times with respect to smart meters. As I mentioned, I have a video of the visit paid to my home by a man calling himself Vijay who drove a Corix truck here on or about 21 July this summer. I asked him why he was here and he did not answer. He then refused to let me see the id tag he wore around his neck. My behaviour was civil. This is all on video. Vijay did not even attempt to locate or inspect the analog meter on my house, perhaps one-hundred feet from where we spoke. This event cannot possibly be classified as a failed installation. Therefore please delete the two failed installation charges from my 11 December bills. Marc, most British Columbians will soon celebrate the birth of a man who encouraged us to follow the Golden Rule. With respect, please reflect upon the fact that you are accepting money from BC Hydro to help force some of your fellow citizens to do something we have strong and mounting evidence to prove will jeopardize the health and safety of our families. Then ask yourself if you believe in karma. Sincerely, From a member in response to a fund-raising letter. (highlighting done by the member.) Sent: December 28, 2014 5:25 PM To: David Eby Subject: Re: Winning each stage of this challenge Dear David Eby The truth is now showing regards to cell phone radiation and it is time to act in order to protect public health,especially our children. The installation of smart meters must be not only stopped but the ones that have been installed MUST BE REMOVED NOW. When I see your government take a firm stand against the s meters I will support you,but not until then! Yours Truly This is a very important message.Watch the video and use precaution with your cell phone. https://youtube/watch?v=DIlOVJd0lA8 From: Dennis and Sharon Noble [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: December 30, 2014 11:20 AM To: Dix.MLA, Adrian Cc: John Horgan. Leader NDP; Holman.MLA, Gary; Shin.MLA, Jane Jae Kyung; Karagianis.MLA, Maurine; CKNW Mike Smyth (msmyth@theprovince) Subject: Quebec Hydro more efficient than BC Hydro Dear Adrian, I understand that your major concern, and that of the NDP in general, continues to be costs. May I suggest that you look to Quebec to see how a utility is handling its smart meter program for ammunition to challenge BC Hydro. Quebec Hydro, upon receiving complaints from its customers, offered to allow them to keep their analogs, even offering those who had received a smart meter against their will an opportunity to get their analogs back. The cost if they act before a deadline set months in advance $15. Should they miss the deadline, then the cost is $85. One of the many misleading stories we’ve been told by BC Hydro is that this sort of accommodation is impossible in a smart grid. Obviously Quebec Hydro has figured out how to handle this “inconvenience”. Could it be because the system that Quebec has is more flexible, or that the employees are more willing to work with and for their customers? Or is it because the liberal party as another agenda? The monthly cost for opting out is $5, compared with $32.40 here in BC. Is that because Quebec Hydro is a better run company with greater efficiencies than at BC Hydro? There has to be some explanation for these vast differences. I hope you will undertake research that will explain why we in BC are being exploited by BC Hydro’s smart meter program in ways that others aren’t. Why must we pay such high fees and ultimately have no choice? As you recall, BC Hydro is allowing analogs to remain on homes temporarily – only until the next expiry date. Then we must all submit if we want this essential service. We must all accept a device which emits RF radiation, is a fire hazard, and can gather personal data previously available only by court order. Our once crowned jewel is becoming very tarnished.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 15:32:22 +0000

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