Below is a quick look at the open scene of Spinward Traveller. If - TopicsExpress


Below is a quick look at the open scene of Spinward Traveller. If you are interested in seeing the entire script, and maybe have some input into the series, then we have a new reward for you. SCRIPT SUPERVISOR PACKAGE: You will receive the SIGNATURE PACKAGE & a chance to review all scripts and suggest changes. You will be listed on IMDB and receive direct e-mail and phone numbers to script writers and producers of the show. Make your voice heard, and help keep the Traveller RPG the main focus of the show! $250 & limited to 12 --------------- SPINWARD TRAVLLER (c) 2014 d20 Entertainment 1. EXT. BLACKNESS OF SPACE. PLANET. 2. INT. BEOWULF. SPACE A POV shot of sticker or sign reading “Travel Safe.” A loud boom is heard, along with creaking as the ship is under attack. Heavy breathing is heard as we see Jon’s hands raised as he heads out of the cabin up to the high birth room. As music swells, we see three pirate ships surrounding the Beowulf. A light from the center ship glows as we see a missile fired and soaring for the ship. 3. INT. JON’S CABIN. PLANET Jon wakes up lying in his bunk. A banging is heard on the door. OFFICER: Jon! Let’s go! You’re beyond late! You have to get ready for transport! Jon sits up and sarcastically responds. JON Good morning to you too. 4. INT. TERMINAL. PLANET. A group of brokers walks by as we see the camera pan down and up to the face of TAM speaking some someone on a com that cannot be heard. TAM: Do you trust me? I know he’s here. I’ll know when I see him. TAM turns to survey the area, but is ran into by JON who is buttoning his jacket and not paying attention. JON collapses and TAM does not move. JON stares at her from the ground. JON: Why were you just standing there? This area is for important personel only! TAM: (Sarcastic) Oh, are you important? JON: Yes…well…no. I have to go. TAM stares at JON as he awkwardly stands and walks past her. Tam taps her com staring in the same direction that JON exited. TAM: He’s headed your way. 5. INT. ELEVATOR. TERMINAL Jon stands inside of elevator impatiently waiting. The elevator slows to stop. JON: Oh come on! I’m going to miss my transport. The doors open and we see the captain smiling at JON. She enters the elevator and presses a floor. There is an awkward moment of silence as the CAPTAIN stares at JON and the initiates the conversation. CAPTAIN: So do you like what you do? JON: I’m sorry? CAPTAIN: Working for the corporation? JON: You’re a bit forward aren’t you? CAPTAIN: Just trying to make conversation… JON: I’m sorry it’s been a rough start to a busy morning, but to answer your question no. My career has lost its shine. CAPTAIN: Don’t you ever want more for yourself? JON: Doesn’t everyone? The elevator slows. CAPTAIN: Well this is me. It was nice meeting you…uh? (Extending hand) JON: (shaking the CAPTAIN’s hand) JON, JON SPINWARD. JON is drugged by the handshake and starts to rub his eyes and appears to be drunk. JON: What are you doing to me? CAPTAIN: I’m giving you want you want.....More. 6. EXT. TERMINAL BAY. PLANET The doors open as TAM greets the CAPTAIN. JON is on the CAPTAIN’S shoulder. TAM goes to the other side and places JON’s arm around her neck. JON: Oh it’s you again. Fancy meeting you here. (JON passes out) TAM: I think you gave him too much. CAPTAIN: We have to hurry before someone sees us. A cloaked male figure slowly approaches CAPTAIN SHAVEK with his sword drawn. The group passes a pillar heading to the ship, which is ready for takeoff. We see a man in a dark cloak come from behind the pillar and follow. 7. INT. BEOWULF. TERMINAL The captain walks to cockpit and radios to MEME in the engine room. MEME looks up at the monitor. CAPTAIN: We got what we need. Let’s get far away from this place. How’s the fire below? MEME: I’ve been waiting on you. Fire it up Captain! The BEOWULF raises its landing gear lifts up turns and soars past the camera as we see the opening credits.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 04:31:00 +0000

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