Below is a short conversation from one of the recent Bashar - TopicsExpress


Below is a short conversation from one of the recent Bashar sessions. I love the whole thing but the part that I really want to highlight in this conversation is the point about learning to understand what your higher mind is communicating to you for yourself through whatever permission slips (such as crystals) you may choose to use to do so. One of my highest excitements and passions is about learning what things mean for/to us PERSONALLY, rather than just using a meaning for something given by another person. So, if one person says a certain crystal is used a certain way and means a certain thing, though that may be valid to them, and perhaps on some level to someone else, there is great value in learning for ones self what that crystal has for them. And in doing so have a more direct conversation with their own higher mind. And though we may get ideas from others what something might mean, it should never over ride our own exploration into the personal meaning for us. enhance, inspire - yes. Take the place of - no. The conversation as transcribed by me: Q: I bought a beautiful crystal, its called the elestial quartz and... and I took it home, well it was talking to me on the way home. B: Yes, Did you have a nice chat? Q: I did, I did. And the next morning I felt I was being realigned. B: Yes. Q: I felt like... B: Well, you were realigning yourself. Again, please remember this is what permission slips do, is they allow you to believe you have permission to realign. And the chat you were having was with your own higher mind. Q: OK B: Being reflected back to you by the crystal. This is what we were just saying to the other individual. This is what the process is all about is learning how to receive the communications from your own higher mind through whatever permission slip you have attracted yourself to or created for yourself that allows you to give yourself permission to open up to that communication more easily. And then you realign. Q: So then this morning... B: Yes. Q: I discovered I had a negative belief... B: Oh all right. Congratulations. Q: (laughter) thank you. Because I nearly thought - oh my god all my other crystals are being neglected because... B: Oh, poor little crystals. Q: (more laughter) Then I thought to myself, oh my lord, you are having a negative belief system here. B: Yes. I guarantee you, crystals know how to take turns. Q: (laughter)
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 02:01:26 +0000

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