Below is an article I recently ran across. After reading it, I - TopicsExpress


Below is an article I recently ran across. After reading it, I felt I needed to share it and enclose information along with it so that you can research this for yourself. I have in places enclosed my opinion from what I have ran across in my studies. Those behind CC (Common Core) are hoping if they ridicule us enough they can do so to silence us. I really don’t care at this point what others think of me for taking this stand. I will not be pushed into silence. If you support CC, well here is what some think about you…thought you might want to know. Happy Reading. The Paranoids are Back Paul Greenberg | Jun 28, 2014 American politics has often been an arena for angry minds. So begins The Paranoid Style in American Politics, a classic work that the historian Richard Hofstadter wrote in 1964, another time of deep division and mutual suspicion. In that essay, he traced the roots of an American style that goes back at least to the late 19th century, when a plethora of mass movements kept finding new candidates for the source of all our troubles. It might be (*1) International Bankers one year and the (*2) gold standard the next as older scapegoats -- Catholics, immigrants, Masons -- gave way to new ones. Till they in turn were replaced by still others: munitions makers, Wall Street, (*3) foreign conspiracies that had infiltrated the very top levels of our own government ... you name it. As an example of this paranoid delusion, the historian quoted a classic piece of demagoguery from (*4) Joe McCarthy, a senator whose very name became synonymous with conspiracy-mongering, as in McCarthyism. (ridicule??) Here is the junior senator from Wisconsin declaiming on the threat posed by traitors in high places: How can we account for our present situation unless we believe that men high in this government are concerting to deliver us to disaster? This must be the product of a great conspiracy on a scale so immense as to dwarf any previous such venture in the history of man. A conspiracy of infamy so black that, which it is finally exposed, its principals shall be forever deserving of the maledictions of all honest men.... [(* Ive added the definition here to the article) Conspiracy definition - An agreement between two or more persons to engage jointly in an unlawful or criminal act. A combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose] Now the conspiracy theorists (people who believe in Conspiracy) are back (if they ever left) with a new source of all evil. This time it isnt communism but the Common Core, an innocent attempt to set up some national standards for American education. But you might not recognize it as such from this rant against it on the internet: Our children will suffer at the hand of a government controlled education system. They will no longer be able to have dreams and goals but only those that the government wishes them to have (UNESCO-A21). If this isnt Nazism, Communism, Marxism and all the isms, I dont know what is. The worst part is they are lying to parents and teachers about what Common Core really is and the effects it will have. Teachers dont even realize that their jobs are in jeopardy for, if they do not conform, they will be removed. But, then again, were not the people of Russia, Germany etc. all deceived until it was too late? This kind of hysteria isnt confined to certified nutcases. Fear of Common Core is spreading to perfectly reasonable people who wonder if there might be some real fire behind all this smoking rhetoric. Thats how the lunatic fringe of a party becomes its whole warp and woof. Until even its respectable leaders hesitate to come out against this kind of thing, lest they Alienate the Base, which has become the cardinal sin for politicians out to win their primaries. Just what is this bugaboo thats got these ring-tailed roarers on the Net so upset? Common Core is just shorthand for a set of minimal standards that would apply to basic education all over the country -- instead of the lazy, hazy patchwork of always changing goals set by every state and sometimes every school district in the country. Ha ha I have to chuckle here…notice the term lazy…notice how it is attacked to …set by state & sometimes school districts…what are they saying about you? That you are stupid? That you don’t know your way out of a paper bag? Seems to me this is an INSULT to every STATE, & every SCHOOL DISTRICT. But all the usual suspects have formed an unholy alliance against filling so clear and obvious a need in American education -- the teachers unions, the scaremongers on both sides of the political spectrum, the array of vested interests in the status mediocre quo ... and all the forces of inertia in general. Their aim: Dilute, delay and do whatever else they can to sabotage a common core of standards that would apply to all students all across the country. This sentence is true to some degree…except we are not out to DELAY, we are out to put LIGHT on what it is and then to DESTROY it. Given a common core of uniform standards, American students could all take the same tests, even those with learning disabilities and so the progress (or lack of it) of students in, say, Arkansas could be readily compared to how well those in New York or California or Iowa or any other state are doing. Which may be just what bothers those in the education establishment, or a way to INDOCTRINATE the NATIONS STUDENTS as a whole or just the legion of kibitzers outside it: They dont want to make it easier to hold students, teachers, parents or administrators accountable. If only it were about holding them accountable, but it is much more than that. Its so much easier for those in charge of the system to float along as they always have. No matter the result. Which is one reason the country spends so much on public education and gets so little in return. Hmmm, isn’t that EACH STATES choice? And if there is failure, then we need to look to our own State leaders and our School Board Members. NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT The notion that every state, or maybe subdivision thereof, should set its own educational standards has some drawbacks -- like being duplicative, wasteful and ineffective. Just to start with. Its also a fine way to bring educational standards down to the lowest common denominator, if not lower. By low do they mean when they adjust the curriculum to meet the children with learning disabilities??? Why should students in different states be held to different standards because it is the STATES responsibility…not the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’S -- or be held to any standards at all? Why not just leave things as they unevenly are? Because that approach makes no sense. Does math, say, change every time you cross a state line? Does a well-written English essay in California become unintelligible when read in Maine? Why have different states set different standards for algebra? What sense does that make? Answer: None. [****Again if it were only about making things the same across the board for all states, if it included the student’s with learning disabilties…but it does not…ALL students MUST take the same tests...and there is suppose to be any help from teachers. ..but teachers do help because they KNOW the child isn’t able to do it.] Yet were told Common Core is some kind of nefarious conspiracy, a clear and ever more present danger to the whole country. The paranoid style is definitely back, and few politicians who want to move up the career ladder may challenge all this scaretalk. [****The most effective weapon used against the conspiratorial theory of history are ridicule and satire...anyone see that in this artice? I sure do. Nobody likes to be made fun of, so ridicule people and they will be quiet. Subdue them into submission.] But theres at least one well-known political figure whos an exception to this sad rule. He dares talk sense about Common Core even in these fear-driven times. And he hasnt even declared his candidacy yet for his partys presidential nomination come 2016. His name is (*5) Jeb Bush, and when hes asked about Common Core, he speaks calmly, sensibly, moderately -- while others in his party, even the most respected, rush to misjudgment. Louisianas Bobby Jindal, who used to note that Common Core will raise expectations for every child, has switched to comparing it with centralized planning in Russia. The same goes for once sensible GOP leaders like Marco Rubio in Florida and Rick Perry in Texas. The crazies in their party seem to have got them buffaloed. (ridicule) Jeb Bush is different. When a savvy aide suggested he just avoid the whole touchy subject now that Common Core has become a hot potato, he wouldnt. I respect those that dont agree with me, he explained. What I dont accept are dumbing down standards and expectations. The mans grammar may remain Bushian -- it seems to be a family trait -- but his principles remain intact. Or as he put it, I just dont feel compelled to run for cover when I think this is the right thing to do for our country. Whats this -- a Republican politician with enough character not to pander to the zealots on his partys far right? Even as the far right comes closer and closer to capturing the GOPs center. Or at least intimidating it. However well Jeb Bush fares in the quadrennial circus known as an American presidential election, he seems to have a higher standard than just winning an election: being true to himself. *1 From the earliest days, the Founding Fathers had been conscious of attempts to control America through money manipulation, and they carried on a running battle with the INTERNATIONAL BANKERS. Thomas Jefferson wrote to John Adams: “…I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies…” (None Dare Call It Conspiracy, by Gary Allen pg 42) *2 On March 16, 1973, Congress set the American dollar completely afloat with NOTHING to BACK IT UP but the declaration of the government that it was “legal tender” or fiat currency. (Awakening To Our Awful Situation by Robert Monnett Book 1 pg. 94 *3 Senator Joe McCarthy led a crusade against Communists in America. His campaign tarnished many non-communists but was successful in rooting out Alger Hiss, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, and Morton Sobell, ALL CONVICTED of espionage-related crimes. (Because of the statue of limitations, Hiss could not be tried for espionage but was convicted of perjury for lying about his espionage activities ) More importantly, the televised McCarthy hearings awakened America to the “Communist threat,” and when U.S. troops entered Korea to fight the communists, support for the Communist Party USA diminished steadily from a high of more than 100,000 members to its current low of about 1000 members {Harvey Klehr, et al, The Secret World of American Communism pg. 12} The Rise of Global Governance by Henry Lamb pg.32 *4 Ibid *5 When something just doesnt make sense, we’re told to follow the money. In this case, as in so many others, that could be the key. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the significant, although not the only, financial force behind Common Core. Bush’s Foundation for Educational Excellence has also been the beneficiary of their largess. Could that be why the group now puts out pieces such as this e-mail entitled “Debunking Common Core State Standard Myths,” which is a collection of pieces in support of common core? It certainly seems to fit. At Wednesdays forum, Bush appealed to lawmakers in attendance to stand firm. I know its hard when you go back to your districts when you hear these things, he said. Youve got to stay the course on higher standards and higher expectations. So who is Bush asking leaders to listen to? Certainly not the people who voted them into office!! newsmax/Newsfront/Common-Core-jeb-bush-republicans/2014/03/20/id/560650/ breitbart/Big-Government/2014/03/04/Jeb-Bush-Has-A-Common-Core-Problem I have listed what I believe to be trust-worthy sites, books with information on this article. My personal opinon…if we vote for Jeb Bush in 2016, we are merely replacing Obama with a republican version of Obama. The fact that he supports Common Core, and councils leaders to be tought, to ignore what the people of their states are saying, should be scaring us enough to NOT VOTE for him. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE…BE INFORMED BEFORE YOU VOTE IN 2016!! You have from now until NOV 2016 to educate yourself. We are in this mess because many of us are asleep, we haven’t been educated on the candidates, or we don’t think our vote will matter…DO NOT believe that you cannot make a difference…
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 18:17:47 +0000

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