Below is an open letter initially intended to attention of my - TopicsExpress


Below is an open letter initially intended to attention of my collegues. But we all can save this world. Lots of words but it is worth it.. .. We all need to wake up. Dear fellow Economists, Please excuse if you find this open message inappropriate but I assume it concerns all of us. Sorry for not making it short – too important and too much to say. It concerns all people in European Union and the whole World. It concerns our great company’s assets (in Ukraine, in Russian Federation and beyond) billions of dollars worth in the end of the day. Each of us, economists in many countries, can reduce the risk, save millions of dollars of the company and most important save human lives. It is now the toughest and most dramatic moment for Ukraine since WWII when some 19% of whole population of Ukraine was killed (2/3 of them civilians). Source. Ukrainians like myself did not have enough time to cry for people died fighting with regime of Yanukovich dictatorship. We call them those fallen Heavenly Hundred, the youngest was only 17 years old. And now even more dangerous things are threatening the peace in the region. I am completely clear that next WW, in which Europe and whole World could be pulled in, could be the last WW for the Earth and mankind as we know it. Dear colleagues in Russia. Dear Russian colleagues! It is very challenging time for you. And you have huge responsibility which you never wanted. I am myself Russian speaking person and believe me there is NO threat of any kind to us in Crimea or in Kiev or anywhere in Ukraine! Please help, stop the madness!! Please do not believe there is a threat to anyone from Ukrainian people. Mass media in Russia is not showing truth! I was witness of Russian TV’s disinformation back in Orange revolution times when picture in TV set and reality on the streets and Maidan were completely different like black and white. So this propaganda machine has been working for years now and it could be very hard to believe that Ukrainians even radicals are NOT threatening Russian speaking people anywhere and in Crimea in particular. There is no reason to see non-Ukrainian soldiers with guns, military helicopters, armors, ships in Ukraine. Despite bodies shown somewhere on TV there is NO wounded or killed in Crimea in last 2 days! This means we can still stop madness! I am Ukrainian. But even though Russia’s troops have their feet in my Homeland I am absolutely clear that Russian people do not realize what is happening in Ukraine. Ukraine is going through very hard political changes from Dictatorship to Democracy, the power of people. It is hardest time for us and obly thing we expect from world is understanding. But instead we have a worst backstabbing unfriendly act that is possible to imagine – done by government that you trust, which uses hands of people that you might know, with your money spent on it and against friendly people of Ukraine. We want peace. We need your understanding and support in a toughest time for our country in modern history. Let’s build democratic society together in our countries. What can we do? Colleagues. We can open eyes to see. We can listen to hear. Think… thinking is what we, economists, are good at. And we need to think fast. Raise your awareness and self-consciousness. Mind the sources of information, invest your attention to different ones and analyze.. Think. Didn’t we have enough painful lessons in our past? Spread the word. Only this way we can do it until any blood spilled. Until conflict is out of control. Tell people you know it is time to act as one and find solution in a peaceful democratic way.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:11:10 +0000

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