Below is just one of the many amazing and inspiring experiences - TopicsExpress


Below is just one of the many amazing and inspiring experiences people are having with THRIVE by Le-Vel. You have to commit to 8 weeks! Everyone is may take days to feel the difference or it may take weeks......BUT IT DOES WORK!! Believe me......I KNOW!! I used to be a two nap a day couch potato and now Im training for my first half marathon. Customers and promoters can register for FREE! What are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! ambydee75.Le-Vel/Experience My name is Heather and this is my Thrive Experience. I am a busy wife, mother of two fabulous teenage girls, published author of two children’s books, middle school soccer coach, and most recently a cancer survivor. The cancer survivor part sounds strange to me because I never imagined adding that to my list of accomplishments. I won’t rewind my cancer story because it would be way too long. I will say that I completed 8 weeks of radiation treatments every day, a chemotherapy once per week for eight weeks, and mixed in there five internal radiation surgeries all with the goal of shrinking an orange sized tumor. My treatments worked and the tumor is gone and I am now cancer free. I want to make it perfectly clear that I was cancer free BEFORE I started my Thrive Experience. I dont want anyone getting the impression that Thrive had anything to do me being cancer free. I will say that I was extremely exhausted after my treatments and slept a good portion of the day. I knew this was not the life I wanted to live but was struggling with bouncing back. I had been taking about 16 different supplements to help me regain my energy, but they really weren’t making a difference. A friend of mine was posting on facebook about Thrive and how it helped with energy and just feeling better overall. I had actually been watching and asking questions, even listening to the calls. I was skeptical because I didn’t think that this could actually help me after all my body had been through. I tried a three day sample and really didn’t notice that much. The only thing I noticed at first was that I was sleeping much sounder at night. I knew that I needed to give Thrive the full eight week experience so I ordered my first month. I stopped taking the 16 supplements I had been taking and just used Thrive. The first month went by and I noticed very little but I still stuck with it because I was determined to get my life back. Finally, around week five or six I did not need to nap anymore during the day! That was huge to me. I was awake and felt better than I had in many years. My energy level allowed me to do things I hadn’t done in so long. I wasn’t feeling emotionally drained, and overall I started to feel like a much younger, focused version of me. I had felt bad for so long, I had forgotten what it was like to feel this good. I wanted to share this with everyone I care about and switched over to brand promoter. In my first week of deciding to share how great I was feeling I reached my 800VIP and made $660 back on $800 in sales. Then to my amazement I reached 1600VIP within my first 14 days. That was a little over $1300 in commissions and bonuses in 14 days!! All from helping others feel healthy and energetic. I have also reached 4k VIP and am currently striving for 12K VIP. Thrive has been a blessing to me in so many ways. I want to help as many people as I can. My sister and brother-in-law in Alabama began thriving as well and feel fantastic. The great part is I get to work for a fantastic company with my sister although I am in Virginia and she is Alabama. I love that she is part of this positive, life changing journey with me. Something unimaginable to me is that I am currently training for the “Ride to Conquer Cancer” in September. It’s a 150 mile ride over two days to help raise money to find a cure. I formed a team of 16 friends and we are going to make a difference. If you are dragging through your day for whatever reason you may have, I urge you to just give Thrive eight weeks. Everyone is different, so that’s why you need to be patient. The rewards are worth it!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 20:29:50 +0000

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