Below is my response defending CrossFit Wolverhampton and other - TopicsExpress


Below is my response defending CrossFit Wolverhampton and other TRUE CrossFit gyms against this article! And also calling someone out on the fact there opinion and view on CrossFit is based on no experience within a CrossFit gym! This guy is right! However this is only the case within some CrossFit gyms! Mainly ones that are run like a bootcamp and have 20+ plus people working at the same time at high intensity with only a 5 minute instruction period at the start of the session! I will try to breakdown the points made in this article and explain how CrossFit Wolverhampton runs its gym so these common faults of CrossFit do not make themselves at home in our gym! 1). people trying muscle ups with no strength foundation happens because they have seen people doing them and they want to have a go (fair enough). However they have no clue of what training is required to get a muscle up before actually attempting them, this is down to the coach at the box! At CrossFit Wolverhampton I am very strict and harsh on our members with regards to trying advanced movements before acquiring the strength required to perform them! I provide all members what ever ability with the different strength drills to develop them and allow them to progress at towards more advanced movements! With regards to the deadlift, I am not sure of this guys reason for not believing in them, but what I would say to that is we deadlift everyday picking stuff up so why not train that in the gym! At CrossFit Wolverhampton I understand the risk/s involved with deadlifts therefore no body will have any sort of significant load on the bar or perform any reps at speed until they show me after my instruction and coaching there form is what I want from them and they can consistently perform like this! Now then Olympic lifts, I fully understand the technicality involved with these fast paced explosive movements! For this reason we spend at least 30 minutes of our 75 minute class running over these techniques and breaking the lifts down! Same rule applies technique - consistency with that technique and the intensity! With regards to performing Olympic lifts for High reps! We recognise that Olympic lifts are the master movements for developing speed and power within athletes! How ever we also recognise that these explosive movements can be fantastic for improving cardio and muscular endurance....the problem here is when you get tired and fatigued the technique work we hammered at the start if the session can go out the window and yes injuries can occur because of this! Again this comes down to COACHING, I will constantly be patrolling the gym floor while a workout is going down and if someone is losing technique I dont care if its 10 seconds into the workout or their last rep I will stop them in their tracks remind them of the coaching points and I will lower the weight if they cant show me consistency! Onto the topic of more pain = more gain! I agree this is not entirely true! When someone tries CrossFit for the first time whatever the workout they will ache the next day regardless of how much effort they put in! However aching the next day after a workout is not what we want to achieve and we do not take pride in obliterating our members...yes they will still get pushed hard every session but when it comes down to it they will put whatever effort they want into each workout! I encourage members who train multiple days in a row to rest Ive even said to some your not coming tomorrow you need a rest. In summary at CrossFit Wolverhampton and most CrossFit gyms we; Build strength in our members before allowing them to progress to difficult and more demanding movements. Our classes are geared towards TECHNIQUE - CONSISTENCY - INTENSITY We devote heaps of class time to properly teach Olympic lifts and gymnastic movements. A constant eye of coaching is forever there whilst the members are working out! Our classes are limited to 10 people to ensure members receive quality coaching and attention! Unlike bootcamps where one coach is in a swarm of people working out! P.s. The guy who is sharing this is scared of CrossFit taking away business from his shitty bootcamp! And dam right he should be we offer quality he offers bullshit! Nick Neale, have you ever trained at a CrossFit gym, or are you basing your bullshit views on it on what other people have said!? EXACTLY your opinions are completely invalid because you have no experience in the area you are trying to insult! Oh and in regards CrossFit coaches having no experience and qualifications! Before setting up CrossFit Wolverhampton with my fabulous business partners! 6 years within the fitness industry 3 years at university studying a BA Honours in sports fitness and coaching I Constantly travel the country to train with other fitness professionals within, CrossFit, weightlifting and gymnastics! Crossfit level 1 BWL level 1 CrossFit strongman level 1
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 13:04:48 +0000

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