Below is my translation of Adv.Yoram Sheftels short lecture into - TopicsExpress


Below is my translation of Adv.Yoram Sheftels short lecture into English: Last week, Jan 27, we have celebrated The International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a.k.a. the day to appreciate the genocide of most of Jewish people in Europe during the World War II. This day is also the date of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp by the Soviet Army. The link between these two historical milestones is utterly important. The Holocaust, contrary to the popular belief, is not confined to the crimes done by German Nazis and their aides. The Holocaust was an initiative of virtually all European nations, excluding Denmark and Bulgaria. The Great Britain played here a dual role. During the Mandate Rule, before the war, the UK banned Jewish immigration to Eretz-Israel and gave a permission only to 75,000 Jews to get in Palestine, and this lasted through all the WWII, until the end of the Mandate Rule in 1948. Moreover, the UK consistently refrained itself from bombing the railroads leading to the concentration camps in Eastern Europe. Be the UK doing so and destroying the railroads, the death toll in the Holocaust would be diminished by half from the six millions, and the demographic status of the Jewish people would be completely different from those after the war and now, either. Yet, its talking about not only a passive collaboration of the Europian nations with the Nazis, but also about the Catholic Church, under the leadership of the Pope Pius the 12th, yimah shemo ve-zikhro. Pius the 12th refused to say even a single word in condemnation of the ongoing genocide of Jews by the Nazis. Of note, during the same years, the Church protested the Nazis attempt to euthanize handicapped people in Germany, while the same Church kept silence and indifference regarding the Holocaust! Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a notable Anti-Semit and Jew-hater, also used to lie consistently. Circa 1944, the State Department sent a few letters to the World Jewish Congress, with explanations that the US do not have enough military power or ability to bomb the concentration cams (Israeli PM Netanyahu even cited the one of these letters during his speech at the last Congress). But alas, we know that the US Air Force also refrained from dropping even a single bomb on Auschwitz, because Roosevelt did not wish to stop the systematic murdering and extermination of the Jews. During the year 1944, six thousands Jews have been burned every given day!!!!! Roosevelt, a crooked bastard, did not want to interrupt this horror! He provided the public with infamous lie, in order to justify his inaction and idleness. Its well known that in the period between November 1943 and December 1944, the US Air Force performed 2800 flights above Auschwitz, but have bombed different civil and military targets, beside the railroads, tens of kilometers away from the camp. Since June 1944, the Soviet Army stood in 50 kilometers from Auschwitz and was enable, at every given moment, to seize the camp and liberate the inmates, thereby terminating the annihilation of the Jews in the crematoria, which reached its peak in summer 1944. The Soviet Army absolutely deliberately did not so till January 27, 1945, despite the fact that he could do it earlier! All this in order do not disturb the Nazis to complete their atrocities! Of course, we shall remember forever that all the three powers confronting and defeating the Nazis Germany, were full participants in the attempt to exterminate the European Jewry. We must realize that almost all nations (except of a very few), namely the US, the UK, and Russia even nowadays, try to tuck us within the “Auschwitz borders”, i.e. the borders of 1967. We have to keep in mind, constantly and always, the fact that still, tens of thousands of Jewish traitors (chief of them was Kastner, yimakh shemo ve-zikhro, and the great absurd is that Kastner twice has been a candidate to Knesset, of the Labor party, and his granddaughter already uses to be Knesset member of the same party), collaborated with Nazis during WWII, meaning those Kapos, Judenrat, and so forth, those unclean “Balaams sons” (unfortunately, coming from the seed of Abraham). Even now, we have to deal with organizations, parties, and other leftist gangs, participating with the worst enemies of the Jewish State, whose aim is a destruction of Israel, at least in the sense of not being a Jewish state any longer. We shall keep this in mind and shall remind to the rest of he World, always and forever, every day and every hour!
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 11:51:36 +0000

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