Below is the text of what I am reading in the accompanying - TopicsExpress


Below is the text of what I am reading in the accompanying video. (Hit your pause button for reading in detail any frame) Sunday Independent - Sunday 12th October. QUOTE: Why is the Water Tax different? There are practical reasons and there are political reasons. The practical reasons include having to physically install a meter. They also must induce us to sign a contract. Above all, Joan and Enda cant use Revenue or Social Welfare to take the tax out of our wages or dole. For other austerity taxes, Revenue has been an austerity tax debt collector, implementing politically dodgy policies. That option isnt available this time. They must persuade us to sign up. The political reasons for the reaction are deeply felt. Theres the blatant deception involved. END QUOTE . . Irish Water – Part Of A Quiet Larger Picture . . As many are aware there is a current battle of wits and finance going on in Ireland. The latest issue to get many of the Ireland’s citizens irritated more is the matter of their water natural resource and how they have gathered that they are being exploited over it. While this serious dispute rumbles on – in fact gaining serious momentum – one aspect that has been entirely over looked by most is that it’s really only one more step in a ladder of previous others that have taken place. The battle for the public to retain their rights to greater control over how and where their awarded constitution natural resource, is a major one in itself. One that will be hard to win but one considered dearly worth winning and the people are determined. The latest battle however is just one more jigsaw piece of a larger battle – one that has been quietly continued for some time now in Ireland – and most of the players not been allowed to see a fuller picture. Let’s be clear… It’s not the public’s fault in any way. The current Irish government of Fine Gael (generally judged to be caring for the wealthier first) and Labour (generally judged to have completely sold out their working class base) is keeping the countries people distracted with just trying to survive in an economy that is repeatedly hit by new taxes and charges, forcing the public to again and again dip into their savings and pockets. They are that distracted by trying to survive a form of economic slavery that many have little time for perusing and holding to account other antics, lies, u-turns and double standard’s which their elected representatives are consistently deemed to be up to. When they are not being distracted by such things or engulfed in such bad behaviour from those that are supposed to be working for them – not against them – the public are being kept in the dark as to their greater rights, information and denied information about national and even local protesting which is going on all around the country. The Irish government in fact appears to desire that every citizen feels isolated and that anyone that does protest against them must be just a troublemaker and nothing more. The real truth is far from the false reality which the Fine Gael and Labour coalition is painting and tainting. . . The Larger Picture. For some time now there has been an agenda from the EU to see that Ireland’s people slowly and quietly lose more and more of their natural resources. The financial antics of international corporate businesses have seen that vast quantities of Irelands gas and oil have ripped from the revenue service (thus the people) of Ireland. The very own Irish Government figures has put the value of their reserves at €420 billion (€420,000,000,000), but this is a very conservative estimate by any accounts. The economy and people of Ireland will see little of that vast financial amount unless there is dramatic change in the revenue collection procedures of the Irish Government. Something not likely to happen under Fine Gael, Labour and Fianna Fail who each contributed and/or maintain the current bad collection process that sees the Irish people still continued to be deprived of wealth that should be theirs by constitution right. The losing of Irelands many fishing rights also is another giveaway which a compliant Irish government also allowed. The Irish fishing industry has been badly hit as yet other previous governments gave away to the EU more of what should be Irelands by location and historic working background. Besides the loss of oil, gas and fishing rights and revenue, the next tried giveaway stunt in regard to natural resources of Ireland, was the countries forestry rights. By this stage, between the jigs and the reels of Ireland, a lot of people in Ireland seemed to have kopped on to a growing trend and said “Enough was enough!” They took to the streets in the nation’s capital, they protested around their country and they harangued their political representatives till eventually political pressure helped stop a further exploitation …for the time being! Next up was the exploitation of the nation’s basic water and its systems. When the government handed over the national water system to a suddenly near overnight created company (one that has many questions still about it) and told without any tender process, go for the next six years charge away unhindered & keep the profits – for that reason and many others including the very fact that the people were (and still are) already paying for their water, the people of Ireland once again said “Enough is enough.” The Irish people now have taken to the streets in serious numbers and through social media have organised themselves. One large group “Fight The Water Tax Scam – Lawfully” alone now was over 17,000 people in it – and that’s one group of over 120 created in Ireland. The government and its state station, RTE, along with a serious number of media outlets owned by Denis O’Brien (he also just happens to own a large company putting in meters), are blanking and a lot NOT telling the rest of the nation about what’s going on in reality around the country. Despite this, the word is spreading. Concerns in many areas connected around the topic of the nation’s water are being raised and political pressure is seriously mounting once again. Once again as Ireland’s 2016 national elections loom, those that are for Irish Water the company and those that supports the re-charging again of the people for the same thing over and over, will face an almighty backlash. In the meanwhile in craziness, the government which has turned upon its very people and financially robbing them again and again continues to use the now infamous ‘carrot and stick’ method of operation. Thankfully a more politically aware (than ever before for some time) population of Ireland have recognised their untrustworthy antics for what they are – and are continuing on regardless in protest against the national water scam. What the final outcome will be remains to be seen but the nations people despite tried false tainting by a very questionable government and media spin, appear in greater numbers to continue their overall peaceful struggle against unfairness and further exploitation. The population jury is out in Ireland for deliberation on the Irish Water scam and the result has yet to come in. Here’s hoping that for the people of Ireland, the end verdict will be a good one and one in their favour – for them and whom they also struggle for - generations to come. Jeff Rudd.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 20:02:43 +0000

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