Below is word I have created to explain a spiritual snare we - TopicsExpress


Below is word I have created to explain a spiritual snare we should avoid. To renounce this toxic dynamic would be a great New Years resolution. Mysti-cynicism: the prideful state of mind where one ONLY esteems their OWN mystical experience with the Lord as authentic. Everybody elses varied and unique experiences are dismissed as hysterical, stupid, false or inferior. Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant ? to his own master he standeth or falleth . Yea , he shall be holden up : for God is able to make him stand. Romans 2:4. I am NOT suggesting that we are to be naive and automatically validate everybodys claimed mystical experience as genuine. Rather, the point is that anothers intensely subjective experience is, largely, none of our business. Its between God and them alone. Simply put, there is rarely, if ever, a compelling need to judge it at all. If it is false, it wont endure and its impact will quickly fade. Instead, leave it alone. Hope for their sake it IS genuine. Never scoff. Release them to God concerning it. Live and LET live. Think and LET think. Experience and LET experience. Its not our place to deny God to others based on what we ourselves havent yet experienced. We each have our own unique spiritual chemistry and emotional language. It is arrogant for us to think we can pigeonhole and limit how God MUST mystically reveal Himself to all others. If we squander our time scorning and invalidating others claimed experiences with the Holy Spirit, are we then not thereby missing out on more opportunities to have our own new mystical moments with God. And, by being so hyper-critical, are we also not coming perilously close to becoming accusers of the brethren? Again, Im not advocating naïveté or gullibility on our part by taking everybodys experience as automatically true and authentic. Im just saying dont judge what Its not your place to judge. A GOLDEN PARABLE ON HOW THE LORD DEALS WITH OUR MISTAKES Once there was a young and earnest beggar who found a huge rock of “fool’s gold” in the riverbed. He thought it was real gold and valuable beyond calculation. He confidently strode into town showing his new fortune – the solution to all his wants. He took the rock to the kind and generous merchant jeweler who dealt in all precious commodities. The jeweler immediately knew the rock was fool’s gold and was worthless. Yet, the jeweler saw that it would crush the spirit of the boy to expose his monumental mistake. Instead, the jeweler convinced the boy to allow him to store the rock in his own safe. Then the jeweler convinced the beggar to come to work with him for a few months so that he could learn how best to value and handle the riches his rock would surely bring when it was sold. The beggar worked for the wise jeweler and grew steadily in wisdom and knowledge. The boy began to realize for himself that the rock in the safe was fool’s gold because of his daily exposure to the “true” gold the jeweler dealt in. The boy realized and appreciated the merchant’s tender mercy in trying to help him learn the truth in an environment of love, nurture and freedom. The boy stayed working with the jeweler in absolute obedience and trust for the rest of his days. He became his son. He became his heir. Beloved, I know that the Lord teaches us the same way. In the past, we have jumped the gun so many times. We have cockily believed that we have finally found the secret mother lode of faith, worship, prayer and/or anointing. But then, gradually, we come to see that it was fools gold. It may have been religious gold but it was not spiritual gold. Our spiritual senses were not yet developed enough to recognize the sparkling true from the shiny false. But God didnt break our spirit or condemn us for our past mistakes. He kept our fools gold in His safe until we could gradually come to see and discard it as worthless. And through this process, something wonderful happens. We learn from the master how to find and value true treasure. We start seeing things through His eyes and His heart. We forget our past mistakes as we become master apprentices, junior partners and ultimate heirs of our Masters Kingdom.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 17:22:26 +0000

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