Below you’ll find a video of Lulu’s last meal with Schalie - TopicsExpress


Below you’ll find a video of Lulu’s last meal with Schalie Johnson and I – pizza from Papa John’s. I had to edit it quite a bit to eliminate the bloody nose portions, but you can still see a bit of bloody nose. Enjoy Lulu’s laserlike focus on the pizza and the sheer joy she gets from eating. Schalie and I had made an appointment to see the vet the next morning after this meal, as Lulu’s snotty/bloody noses had increased in frequency, duration, and intensity. We were simply wanting to get a ballpark on how much time we had left, we weren’t really expecting anything else. About 30 minutes before leaving, Lulu’s nose started bleeding profusely, worse than it ever had before. We pushed the appointment back an hour to clean up and get the bleeding stopped. When she saw the vet, she got excited and the nosebleed started again. We got it stopped a few times, but it would start up again shortly after. It was very clear to the vet of us that the volume of blood loss was simply unsustainable. We had to put her to sleep before she bled out. Lulu wasn’t ready to die and we weren’t ready to put her to sleep. Lulu’s nose made the decision for all of us. We are thankful that we did not have to make a tough decision as so many do. Dogs teach us many lessons, enjoying life is one of them. It is easy to get caught up in all of the things we arbitrarily decide are important, making us forget what is truly important – enjoying the things that make us happy. Lulu was a happy girl until the end. Sure, she didn’t care for the bloody snotty mess which was increasingly making it tough to breath, but as dogs tend to do, she just ignored it and focused on what she loved to do – eat, play, cuddle, and sleep. Perhaps the most important thing our pets teach us is that we are all mortal and we will all die. Sure, we all understand this, but we tend to ignore it the vast majority of the time. However, when we take time to reflect, few of us rarely say “I sure wish I’d spent more time at the office”. Instead we tend to say “I sure wish I’d spent more time with (name of loved one) or doing (a favorite activity).” Remember to spend time with the ones you love and doing the things that make you happy.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 21:38:50 +0000

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